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netiquette question
I was wondering what others think about people who go back and substantially edit their posts after they've been responded to. To me it is fundamentally dishonest, like rewriting history to make yourself look better. It also makes for really weird reading when someone new to the thread comes along and the continuity of the conversation has been fractured by these edits, responses to edited comments end up seeming nonsensical when they actually were right to the point. I understand editing to fix a bad link or correct spelling or grammar errors that sneak through, but fundamentally rewriting a post is like trying to overdub a conversation that has already been had.

Personally, there are now posters here who are thread killers for me, if they start a thread I will not participate, and if they comment on a thread already going I will usually drop off the thread, because these individuals frequently go back and rewrite their posts after someone comments on their post. Perhaps these "editors of history" think they are doing it to correct errors someone pointed out, but mostly I think they are just trying to pry their feet out of their mouths after the fact and make it look like they never inserted them to begin with.

So what do other people think? Is it just me, or is rewriting your post after the fact poor netiquette?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Well on one occasion I quoted someone who after the fact told me they did not want their opinion public so in that case I wss happy I could edit my response. I would agree that if a person's comments are consistenly altered then they loose their credibility.
I agree Carol, edits per netiquette would say what and why the edit was made, and be honest about it. I've done it like "Sorry foot in Mouth disease here"!

Also anyone reading an edited message must keep in mind that shenanigans are rampant on the web, n'est pas?

mella l

NO really! I don't, want to read your blog!

mella l
Art and Science

usually, when i edit a post it's for a typo or to insert a smiley or two and i do it immediately. i don't offer an explanation. sorry about that.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

PunaWeb's allowance of people to edit their posts, even months after the fact, is why so many people are now immediately quoting others in their responses. It protects you and in this way, that original post is kept intact.

Editing should either be turned off or only allowed until the next post is made in that thread. Most other forums use one of those two methods.

I have looked at the administrative options for our software and find that we are in an editing on or editing off situation. I have always preferred the editing on position.

My preference for this is based on two things:

1. This is a community forum and not a legal document, deposition or record. Expectations of a legal record are not realistic.
2. The ability to correct typos, spelling and indeed, remove one's foot from one's mouth on occasion, are more to be appreciated than lamented. Abusing this is very possible but would also place one's credibility and/or reputation at risk.

So I do ask everyone to try to be tolerant and respectful of each other. As a practice when a topic is removed it is not destroyed but is parked in a file in case it needs to be resurrected.

Communication is more of an art than a science and requires practice. Moderating is also more of an art than a science and there will always be areas of gray to deal with. When in doubt I make my decisions in favor of the community interest, not an individuals. I know this can be frustrating.

For issues that require some deliberation PW has a private forum where the Operating Committee can discuss issues and solutions. That process can sometimes take a few days.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Would it be considered an 'attack' if I said I agree with Carol and a name or two come to mind right away ?
take screenshots Smile
and you should (i am guilty of not)
make a note at the bottom after an edit.

I sure enjoy being going back to fix a typo, or when I posted an answer to a different topic.
I have as many "oh, duh" moments as most. Actually I feel like I live in an Oh Duh, world sometimes.

I like to read people's posts, and I haven't even noticed that some people edited original remarks. I try to avoid some of the threads that seem a little over the top emotionally, though. It is too much like watching politics.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our
exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the
place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
Peace and long life
lol.....this could be read several ways....

Originally posted by KathyH

I called you a ****er,


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