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I have had time to reflect on some things since coming back to Oklahoma. I need some changes in myself. I do have a mainland mentallity and it caused me problems at this last attempt to move to Hawaii. Things are different and I need to be different if I am to live there, especially in Puna. I want to be different, more "earth friendly" person. Less worried about the future, more in the present. Less worried about accumulating, more concerned about people. So its all good, and am going to prepare to return with a better attitude.

Thank goodness someone is taking controll before they move here! Real good Nanacy that you admit and realize that you will need to adjust here. I only wish thousands of others who moved here from mainland would of put their mainland ttitudes in check before they came. Good for You nancy!!

frank battaglia
good for you Nancy, many of us leave where we are because we don't like what is happening and the first thing they do when they arrive to a new place is try to make it like where they left instead of embracing the new

Living on Big islnd is hard if your not in your 20s or so. Those moving here I will tell you straight off is that come here with a compnion. The pickin is slim here. Its hard to meet people of opposite sex here s everything is so spread out. Its not Honolulu where you have a big city and lots going on all the time. You have to go to events, join a club, go to a bar if thats your scene and even so all you find is couples or gay women, or people much older than you like. Its hard and Im having a hard time of it here as I met a few women but truthfully nothing I would lose sleep over! There is a tradeoff moving out here. Expect to initially feel isolated as hell!
Im the type of guy who goes forward not backwards so I would never move back to Seattle.
When your 50 or 51 as in my case or in that age area the finding of a good mate triples in failure. So what do you do if your not a big dancer, drinker, or dope fiend? Where do you go? Sure you can hang around a park and hope to meet a straggler that may come around. You can join a club perhaps that will put you around other people. Of course you will find alot of married or couples or just plain nothing. PERHAPS! You can go online and meet on yahoo or personals women or men in area. I even tried that and met one woman who turned out to be a phone sex oprtaor whos specialty was Dominatrix! Its a tough world out there when your getting old and ugly and your alone. lol... Normally on mainland I did fine but out here I tend to think Im living in a nursery home waiting to die! Not that bad as hawaii has alot to offer but Im making a point. Point being bring a mate or import one.

frank battaglia
I've been working and recreating with some local hawaiians for the last two weeks, my inability to chill, shut up, and forsake a lot of mainland ideas has greatly slowed my interactions. I am generally great at making friends, granted this is a very different crowd, but i for one certainly applaud you for being so clairvoyant, even if only in hindsight about one of our problems as newbies here.


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