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Seaview BOD meeting
Please forward this email to all within Seaview….

JUNE 10th Board of Directors Meeting

To all Residents and Owners in Kalapana Seaview,

SPACE and Hawaii Volcano Circus are requesting a letter of endorsement from the Board of Directors of Seaview as part of their Special Use Permit Application.

This will be the main topic of discussion at our Monthly Board Meeting on Thursday June 10th at 6 p.m., at the Pavilion Park.

Meeting will start promptly at 6 p.m. All are welcome.


Kalapana Seaview Estates Community Association
RR 2 Box 4537 Pahoa Hawaii 96778

Thursday June 10, 2010 6:00 PM

Seaview Pavilion
1. Opening Circle and Welcome – Richard Valdez, President
2. Minutes – Sahara Lawrence March and April
3. Treasurer’s Report – Mark Wyatt
4. Park and Pavilion report.

a. S.P.A.C.E. requesting Special Use Permit approval letter of support from Board
b. Bike Rack
c. Bathroom door repair update
d. Laptop purchase
e. Meeting protocol made available to all

6. New Business –


This should be a great circus show, and waste of useful time! I really hope that people who don't live in seaview or own lots there respect the owners rights to voice their opinions without outside pressures. I really think a topic like this should be addressed at their annual general meeting with a more proper notice and introduction than what is being done here and a full vote from residents and owners of the entire community, not just the "community" who can be assembled on a week's notice. I hear that two members of the current seaview board are also members of the SPACE board and one of them is a major donor/investor to SPACE. These board members absolutely must recuse themselves from any votes on the matter due to conflict of interest.

A question for Ryan....

How does a full vote of residents and owners occur if, as you suggest, two members of the community recluse themselves?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I'm not sure why this announcement is being posted here.

As it is in my subdivision, the board is elected at the annual "general" meeting, and meets once a month to do business on behalf of the subdivision. The only people voting at a BOD meeting are the board members, and only then if there's a quorum.

Although residents are welcome to attend board meetings, the Annual meeting and election is the proper venue to hear comments and discussion from all interested residents.

Conflict of interests?

I serve on my neighborhood board, I have children that utilize our "mini park", but I wouldn't recuse myself from park business. Shoots, that's why I serve on the board.

It's amusing to me to hear criticism of volunteers who donate so much time to improve their neighborhood from people who can't or won't do the walk month in and month out. In my hood, anyone who wants to serve is elected, and still subject to criticism.

Ryan it is my understanding that the residents are invited to give opinion only. The BOD will vote. I agree this should have been a issue for our Annual General Meeting, that we just had in late March, so we all could have voted. On the issue of recusing one's vote I would have to say that is a valid concern.

Ryan & Akahai,

Just out of curiosity, does the Bylaws of Kalapana Seaview Estates Community Association give the Board of Directors the authority to grant any letter of endorsement, or is that a matter vested in the rights of all members to vote on?

I find it peculiar that the BOD in the past refused to take up resident issues of concern about SPACE stating that it is not the concern of the Association what occurs at SPACE. So why is it now a matter to be considered? Or is it the BOD is only willing to stand as a Board representing the people of the community if it’s in SPACE's best interest but refuse to stand as the same Board representing ALL the people of the community if it means having to ask SPACE to behave?

As for the rules of recusing oneself, that’s a no-brainer. If you’re on a Board where another organization is asking you to vote on a matter concerning them and you’re on that other organization's Board as well, you recuse yourself, plain and simple.

Of course, if you can get 30 members in good standing together, they can call for a Special Meeting on this subject.
Quote Bob:

"Of course, if you can get 30 members in good standing together, they can call for a Special Meeting on this subject."

This sounds sensible!
I am guessing that the 30 member idea would require a special membership meeting being called with all members being notified 30 days ahead with a copy of the agenda. You can't just show up with 30 members and vote at a BOD meeting.
If I was on this board, I would be very wary of issuing such a letter without a membership meeting.

Correct Dan, the Bylaws allows for 30 members in good standing to call for a special meeting. All the rules related to that meeting (notifications, timing, etc) would still apply. But even before any special meeting, the question of the authority of the Board of Directors to issue such an endorsement should be researched.

I also agree that the Board should defer to the members.
With a special members meeting, there is always the question of the expenses for a mailing to all property owners. Perhaps SPACE would be willing to bear those expenses and mail out ballots. The BOD could then forward the results to the County.



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