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Is anyone else asking this question? He has not participated in any of the local forums. He showed up once and stayed long enough to say he had to attend his "fundraiser" in Hilo! Is he really seeking private campaign funding from Hilo interests instead of Puna supporters? I wonder who he will owe favors to?
Is there a process by which candidates are vetted to be fit to serve before they can run? I have heard from business associates that someone should look into his past...there was only one tire store and it failed and he has over $200,000 in liens against him and that is why he did not APPLY for public funding. How do we as voters find out if candidates are telling the truth about their experience?
I don't follow the slogan "reelect nobody" because the situation can get worse.
So I ask "Where is Fred"?
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Vetting candidates! What a novel idea. Wow, if this actually proves to be true that would explain why perhaps he is not using public funds. Scrutiny is definitely a negative factor for those who choose to put it out there and run but there should be some way to vet a candidate. When Mr. Blas ran in 2008 I did a google search and found he managed a Sears Tire place in the South Bay area but found nothing about owning a chain or several stores.
As for fund raising outside of Puna, that pole has filled with red flags! The other three candidates have chosen to go with the 'clean elections' protocol. With your questions and the 3 competitors choosing to go with 'clean elections protocol' one might give pause to ask, why isn't Mr. Blas???
“A penny saved is a government oversight.”
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I have always liked history, some of these old forums make interesting reading. Fred has not changed much since being elected.
Fred showed up at the HPP Forum Sunday read a speech about what he spends his County paycheck on, then visited a few tables and bolted.
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Puna Councilman Fred Blas’ campaign is almost out of money. He began the year with $589 in the bank and has accepted two donations, both from Honolulu — $500 from Honua Group, whose principal Robbie Cabral is an energy consultant, and $500 from the Hawaii Regional Council of Carpenters. He’s spent $1,349.96, and has $239 in cash on hand. After accounting for $3,200 in loans, Blas’ campaign is $2,961 in debt.
“We haven’t had any fundraisers,” said his wife Betty Blas, the campaign chair and treasurer. Instead, they’ve tried to reuse shirts and signs from the first campaign “And there’s been some donations trickling in, and that’s fine.”
Fred Blas doesn’t believe in having taxpayers support political campaigns, his wife said.
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Sounds like he has the traditional cash management skills of a professional politician. Should run for King of America or Congressman...
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Saw Fred at the Makuu market on Sunday. He was walking around with 4 or 5 people wearing red shirts following behind him. He walked through the lanes waving to people he knew....when he passed me I nodded to him and he just looked right through me and kept on walking.
The whole scenario was actually comical to a point.
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Aunty Emily not looking so bad after all! At least she was present and passionate. I've never seen Fred Blas, except that stoic looking photo on his signs.
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"when he passed me I nodded to him and he just looked right through me and kept on walking."
Why didn't you say "Aloha Fred" and go from there ???
I don't think you should condemn him the way you have !
He may have needed to pee and was looking for the BR !
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You might want to consider this too.
"James Weatherford and Greggor Ilagan, candidates seeking the District 4 seat, which comprises lower Puna, have each received $16,230."
This is tax payer money and Fred Blas is not accepting any of this money !!
Our government is bankrupt !!
Fred's philosophy of volunteerism is the way we need to go.You want a bike path on Railroad thru HPP,you need to build it yourselves.
Sorry James,Your multimillion dollar projects are not going to fly !!
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The public funding is funded from voluntary check offs by taxpayers who want honest elections and are willing to give money for that purpose, it does not come out of the County's general budget and the money cannot be used for anything else. Candidates who accept the public funding are only beholden to the public at large, and no one has special access to the office holder after the election. No off island big money donations, no $1000 a plate dinners on Oahu like Kenoi has, no favors owed, just funding voluntarily donated in the interest of clean elections. The fact that Fred still does not understand that after most of a term in office is disturbing.
Your experience is not unusual. I actually tried walking up and introducing myself at a public event where Fred was one of the dignitaries. He just looked at my outstretched hand, turned, and walked away. He had been happily greeting various people he clearly already knew, but he sure didn't want to talk to any constituent who didn't come with an introduction from someone he in his circle.
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