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Traveler palms (Ravenala madagascariensis)
I am considering starting a back property line planting of traveler palms on our upcoming trip. I have checked Craigslist and various other nursery sites for plants and haven't found any(yet). Plenty of palms for sale, just not traveler palms.

I am wondering if these are suitable for Puna or would be more to the habitat of the Kona side of the island since they are related to the bird of paradise rather than a true palm.

Thanks in advance. Susan

I have one in my yard at the top of Leilani, neighbors have them too. They grow just fine, but do get some black sooty mold like many broad- leaved plants up here. I bought mine at Rozette's.
Thanks lelaniguy. I will check Rozette's.
HPP swap meet is where I found mine 3-$10.00 close to closing time, you can get good deals.
They do attract the coqui frogs, I have heard them in the base and have found eggs in the base of the plant leaves.
They do grow well here in HPP.
Coqui's LOVE them. seen many torn out just for that reason
Uh oh...I may want to re think that choice.
Grows fine also close to the ocean...I'm down on 5th street in HPP. Mines 20 feet tall.
yes cocquis love them and so do the rats Sad

Noel, the rat thing has put me off the Traveler palms.

Any suggestions for something I can plant in abundance along my back property line would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone.

We are doing some thinning of palms etc on our property. Email me and I'll send you some pics.

Ian @ Rozette's can dig them out for you.

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