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BEWARE-DOGS-Leilani Estates/Hawaiian Shores!
It has come to my attention through the "coconut wireless" that there is a new resident in Leilani Estates with EIGHT thats 8 dogs that are allowed to run loose.

These dogs have already "chewed through" the chicken wire of a chicken coop and DESTROYED the chickens. I'm sure the sights and sounds were terrifying. Someone was home at the time and was unable to help due to fear of being attacked.

The police were called and said something to the affect that since no "HUMANS" were involved you have to handle it yourself!

This is all second/third/whatever knowledge - BUT someone knows about this event and hopefully will correct any errors I have made.

PLEASE BE SAFE - chickens today - "HUMANS" tomorrow - IT'S @#$%ING CRAZY what is ignored by the police.
What about calling the Humane Society?
And why doesn't the famous Leilani HOA crack the whip about the loose dogs?
Yeah, that human was me! Here's the kicker. Not 15 minutes ago (10pm ish) I heard one of the dogs owners calling for it. Sadly, this is at least the third time I've heard this since last Wednesday. The promise that it would never happen again is sounding more than a little hollow. It was a very traumatic thing being held hostage inside the house because of a snarling, barking dog that I had never laid eyes on before and the police. What is up w/ that!? Because no humans were bit, they refused to send an officer to even take a report. May the Sassy Sisters rest in peace (and may those mean dogs move far, far away).
Are the dogs registered, as required by County law?
Of course, in this situation, I don't think you want to get close enough to see if there are any tags on the collar...
Well I can't understand the Police reasoning they should have at least forwarded the you to animal control agency. What happens when the dogs attack a human (only a matter of time for out of control dogs). Better have your wack stick and mace handy. Have you contacted other agencies? Let your neighbors know and have them bug the authorities cause there's more power in numbers (squeeky wheel gets the greese).
What street's these beasts on?
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Please tell us what streets these dogs are roaming. My wife jogs in the area and I need to know this.

I second Lee's request to know where exactly.

Thanks in advance.


Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Andrew, it is on your street, just on the other side of Leilani BLVD/Ave.


I don't understand why people in Puna (or anywhere else for that matter) think they can let dogs roam off leash, unless it is in a completely fenced yard. This was the main reason I moved to the west side. Every time I went for a run, I would be attacked by dogs, some wanting to play and others that wanted to hurt me. Does the humane society do anything about this issue?

The humane society does nothing. They will loan you a trap to trap the dogs with, but also let you know that you are not supposed to "harm" the animal, even if it is killing your livestock, pet, or anything else. I guess the only justifiable defense to killing them is if they are harming human life.

I have been dealing with this for months with a neighbor whose dog keeps digging under the fence to get into my hens, cats, dogs, whatever...

Yesterday for the first time in months my whole family was gone, as I am always terrified of what will happen if we are all gone at the same time, and no one is here to defend the animals. Of course, the dog got off her chain again and was going after everything we have, with her young male pup dogs following her lead. We caught her in the act as we were getting home.

So we call the neighbor - AGAIN-- and oh so sorry the girl dog got her collar off. If I could catch the dogs I would, but they see us and run home as fast as they can.

This just burns me up beyond belief.

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