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RIP Andy Irons
Andy Irons died today of dengue fever.

I'd rather be a wise ass than a dumb ass!!!
I just heard that. So young and with a baby on the way. My prayers for his family.
Very sad...he would've loved the North Shore today.


"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
I'm guessing he took to much of the Methadone he was using for the fever causing the pains in his joints. My buddy was hanging out with him last month. Very nice guy and I'm praying for the best for his family. Really great guy. If it was this drug. They need to do something about it, because it's been killing a good amount of people. Keith Fletcher the actor and many more. I am very sad to hear the news.

Here's what people magazine has reported on info.,,...74,00.html

Many prayers for his family
Dengue Fever rarely kills. I read that only 1% die from it. And I bet they are immune comprimised.
However accidental Methadone overdoses have been killing lots of people.
This drug needs to be controlled better.
It's truly a sad thing If it turns out that Andy died from it.
He will be sorely missed in Hawaii.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
It is really sad that the pharmaceutical industry has in my opinion killed more people with their "legal drugs" than all illegal drugs.
They, the drug companies have got it down, drivethru drugs now in Pahoa, like the rest of the country. Isn't the old Borders books in Hilo going to be another drivethru drugstore ? It's big business and its legal.
There is a form of dengue that is hemorrhagic that can be quite fatal, so don't under-estimate the disease itself. I really don't know what caused the death of Andy Irons, and it is indeed tragic no matter what.

not underestimating. Hemorrhagic Dengue has symptoms that should have been detected by doctors in Miami. The skin changes when it goes hemorrhagic. Litterally hemorraging red spots show up.
If that was happening I doubt they would have let him go.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

Condolences to his family and friends. It is always hard when one so young passes.

I am unclear if hemorrhagic dengue is an actual different form of dengue (AKA "bone-break fever") or can be a stage which occurs in some especially unfortunate victims of this mosquito-borne disease. Dengue nearly killed me when I was a very healthy and robust 20 years old or so on the island of Java. The disease manifests variously in different people but dengue was a grim experience for everyone I know who has had it. Mortality figures for dengue may be grossly underestimated because of the general lack of development in places where it is most endemic and because of co-occurring ailments from malnutrition to AIDS complicating the situation. What will be noted down as cause of death --if indeed any accurate figures are being kept at all-- in situations of chronic poverty or acute dislocation (such as that in which seven million flood-displaced refugees now find themselves in Pakistan, among many other disaster-stricken places) where pneumonia, exposure (heatstroke/hypothermia), malnutrition, dysentery, cholera, dengue, et cetera are all present in the mix?

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Jaan Pehechaan Ho by Mohammed Rafi

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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