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Nov. 17 6 pm - Presentation on HPP Park
The HPP Parks committee invites all members of HPP and the greater Puna community who are interested in seeing the creation of a county district park in HPP to see a presentation in defense of the park, followed by a vote at the HPPOA board meeting.

Location: HPP Activity Centre, Makuu and 15th,
Date: Wednesday November 17, 6 p.m.

Countless hours have been spent by volunteers of the Parks Committee on developing a plan for this park, a "positive recreational place for children and families"

The commitment for funding is now in place. A county resolution states the land will be used for park purposes only and if work is not started within 2 years the land will revert back to the HPP property owners.

There is no downside to this proposal. We get the funding we have been trying to secure for years and if nothing happens, we get the land back. How can we lose?

I hope to see everyone turn out to support the Park in the Park!

"followed by a vote at the HPPOA board meeting" Whoa! What will the vote decide? Who gets to vote? I hope it will not decide whether or not to go ahead with giving the land to the County?
In my opinion this is WAY too important a step to be undertaken without the input of ALL the lot owners. I, for one, do not want this kind of decision made by less than 30 people who happen to be able to attend this one meeting.
It is my understanding that land was given to the County in the past, and it still sits unused.
IF the land is to be turned over to the County, we the lot owners need to be assured that there will be a short time limit to finish the park, that the County will adopt and maintain both the park and the roads leading to it from outside HPP, together with enough funding to cover maintenance and upkeep as long as there is a park on the site. There should also be a clause which reverts ownership of the park land to HPP if (or when) the County fails at any time to maintain their assumed obligation or attempts to change the use of this land.
This last clause can be very important. In my area, land was given for a municipal airport many years ago, and just recently a large developer was trying to persuade the municipality that the airport was not the 'best use' for the land, and that a large scale commercial and residential construct would produce far more tax revenue. The council was favorably disposed to this proposal, until someone researched the original deed and found that if the land was used for anything other than an airport, title would automatically revert to the donor's estate. End of plan.

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