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Screening lanai
Aloha...can any of my fellow Puna web friends give a recomendation for someone to screen in my Lanai.
We have beautiful lanai that we would like to enjoy more with being attacked by mosquitos!

Many Mahalos
I don't have a rec for the installer, but a good req for lower cost materials - I use 30% shade cloth from Rudy's Shade by the Zoo - works like a charm at around 1/3 the price! Tell them you want to use it as screen & they'll be sure to get you the right one. The aperture is the same as regular screen - mosquitos can't fold back their wings so they can't get through!

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
We used SCREEN PRO 217-2665. He can make really large screens. Did a good job and reasonable.
It has been over a year and still the screens are tight as a drum.
You may want to visit this website: We visited a home here in HPP that used them to order screening. They were extremely happy with it, found it easy to install, and very affordable. It's on my "one of these days" list.

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