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A Tale of Six Chickens
Some months back a mama hen with six fuzzy chicks showed up in my fenced yard. They were very cute and I enjoyed watching them learn to be chickens. When they got to the gangly adolescent stage, mom disappeared but the little band of youngsters stayed. They foraged around the house and ate centipedes and the occasional coqui, so I thought it was all good. Then they grew up to be three hens and three roosters. One of the roosters claimed the three hens and the other two roosters constantly circle the perimeter. There are frequent rooster battles but they look so much alike I can’t tell if dominance changes or not. I have two problems with this - one is they are horribly loud, and the other is they are horribly dirty. The roosters are constantly crowing from about 3 a.m. until full dark, and the hens can get pretty noisy when they lay as well. I feed my cats in the carport and the chickens trash the food, scratching and scattering it and pooping everywhere - chicken poops are huge - who knew? The cats give way to the chickens and my big dumb dogs are totally uninterested, plus one of the roosters backed me down the other day, flaring his neck feathers and jumping up and down squawking. I was in shorts and didn’t want to get spurred so turned and went the other way. I’ve squirted them with the hose and I’ve squirted them with vinegar - neither deters them for long. Anyway, I would like go get rid of all six chickens, but I really don’t want to kill them, would prefer to relocate them if at all possible. The logistics of that escape me. I talked to the “Humane” Society and they will loan me a trap but then want the captured chicken(s) brought to them to euthanize - their answer to every problem seems to be kill, kill, kill, and I so do NOT want to deal with them, ever. Anybody got any other suggestions? I’d really like to have my pre-chicken life back now. Mahalo!

use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
I suggest getting rid of the roosters right away. Puna does not need more feral roosters. So best thing is, like it or not, do them in yourself or let the Humane Society do it for you (us). Try life without roosters first. Make some nesting boxes and collect eggs.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Call The Lack!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
LOL ... Nice one Oink !

Throw the chickens over into the neighbors yard !

Problem(s) solved.

Hahaha Throw them all over esp, the roosters in the neighbors yard. Give the rottweilers something to play with and when they are done... They can eat the roosters ... The dogs will be full and you won't have a problem!

Problem Solved!

OINK and POG, You guys are too funny!
Mmmmm.... ROOSTERS!! Tastes just like rattlesnake!
#8 will give you lots of options! I never ever thought these babies could be prepared in so many different ways! [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I highly recommend you go spend a night in beautiful South Kona. When you are awakened at 3:00 a.m., you will understand your community obligation to make sure these roosters end life humanely, which would not involve being torn to shred by dogs and certainly wouldn't involve our amusement over such a thing.
You could use the HS traps to trap them & if you don't want them killed, don't bring them to the humane society, just bring the empty traps back.

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