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tempest in a free speech tea cup?

I thought we had settled free speech by instructors in an educational setting long ago....
Let's see if I have this right,

a collage professor which I assume has tenure has had the carpet pulled out from him for saying sh!t. Now he wants to sue for as much money that he can get. Is this another way of saying I want a sh!t load of cash please. I would guess that he was making $80,000.00 a year and had a cushie job working a few hours a day and his ego could not swollow being reprehended. How many years has this “professor” been suckling on the taxpayers teat thru the facade of higher education. Now the Hawaii’s taxpayers must brace themself and prepair themself’s for higher taxes because this “professor” wants to be provocative.
Sounds like a bunch of sh!t to me.

The Lack

The Lack Toons
"Sounds like a bunch of sh!t to me"

you are fired, for your use of language - grin

thats the issue me thinks
He could have used "crap" ... And all would have been fine. : )

I'm with the professor on this one. How is it that Haunani Trask didn't get fired but this guy did? Bullbleep.
The Lack -This is going to really bug you.
A college prof makes way more than $80k per year, most would be over the $100k+ range. (Univ of IL has a few making over $250k)

Why is crap better than ****? Is excrement better than crap and ****? **** is excrement. Since when did it become a bad word?

Censorship for ****??? Oi vey! What's this world coming to?
SP ... Rhetorical question ???

"crap" IMO is a toned down version of Sugar Honey Ice Tea ... and most people would not be bothered by it's use vs. the other.

Ask Pam L ! : )

This story made me very embarassed for Hilo and UH. Is it a kindergarten or a university? The student was an adult and her father called in to whine about language he can hear on cable. College is supposed to expose you to a broader world than you already know. In the real world people swear. Maybe the father should home school her for 4 years and create a diploma on his computer.
The word "crap" comes from the name of the man who invented the flush toilet, Mr. Crapper. The first toilets were called "crappers" from that we got the word "crap".

As far as UH system teaching salaries go, most positions are non-tenured, especially for professors who are teaching at both the University and Community college level. While there are a few tenured professors doing heavily endowed research who receive high salaries, there are far more who are stringing together multiple part time non tenured positions for low pay and no benefits because they are part time.

My parents were the generation of professors who taught all those baby boomers, theirs was the last generation to get the really cushy professorships, later generations received far less generous pay, retirement and benefit packages.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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