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Quick Introduction and a charged question...
My name is Dan, my wife and I moved to the Kurtistown area about a month and a half ago, from Alaska. I honestly had no idea punaweb exhisted until a few minutes ago, but already think it is a great resource.

First off, to anyone who grew up here, you have a beautiful state. I hope it stays this way for a long time. (minus the traffic coming into Hilo in the morning.)

If anyone has questions about Alaska, feel free to ask [Smile]

I was an outfitter for hunting and fishing for the last several years, including firearms sales, etc. If anyone has questions or misconceptions about the laws, or anything else, feel free to ask.
(That said, I'm having to look in other markets for a job as I have yet to find many Help wanted signs/ads)

(one that I have noticed a lot is the "mentally ill, outlaws, etc owning firearms. IF the dealer is following the law, if you have been declared mentally unfit, committed a felony, domestic battery, have a restraining order against you, etc, you CANNOT own a firearm legally. IE you will get declined on your background check, if you own them, they will be seized, etc.)

The charged question:

I've noticed that firearms are a very touchy subject here. I'm not intending to start a flame war, or anything of the sort, just looking for information, and maybe to share some of my own.

I brought my firearms to the big island with me when we moved, and have followed the applicable laws. I have yet to find an actual firearms range locally though. I've called glenwood, but have never had anyone pick up.

So, where would a proper place to sight in my rifles prior to pig hunting be? Several people (locals) have told me just to go to the hunting area on stainback, but considering that the optic is not zeroed, firing rounds would be unsafe behavior without a backstop, etc.

I love it here, and just want to make as few ripples as I can until I find my place in the universe.

Thank you all,

The American obsession with firearms is a mental illness.

Moderator: This ia a great example of steering the discussion away from a legitmate local topic to a national debate. Please read my post below.

Hunting is a huge part of the culture where I am from, and from my families homeland before that (my dad came to the US in the 50's)

Pig hunting is a huge thing here also.

How is it insanity to want to hunt properly, to ensure the animal I am harvesting for food does not suffer, and to ensure my safety during that hunt?
Aloha Dan, Welcome to Punaweb.

There is indeed a lot of info here. I believe your basic question has been asked though I am not aware of the answer. You might try the Search feature in the upper right hand corner though I am sure that some members will have answers.

I try to maintain two basic rules for Punaweb - Keep it civil and keep it Hawaii/Puna related.

My position is that there are thousands of sites to explore on national and world topics and very, very few for Hawaii, much less Puna.

Guns, hunting, gun ownership and gun laws are perfectly legitimate here in a local context. Like a number of passionate issues I want Punaweb to avoid getting bogged down in the national partisan debates. This restricts me too. I have lots of thoughts on lots of issues I don't post here.

So by all means feel welcome. It is okay to disagree with ideas. I do take a dim view of people personally attacking each other (happens sometimes) or posting things intended to cause controversy (trolling & flaming).

Come back often. Communications here can sometimes be fast paced.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thank you Rob,

I'll restrict myself to local subjects and refrain from any further politics unless they are directly related to life here.

I like to hear from both sides of the road on all topics.

Hawaii is a beautiful place, and I intend to try to keep it way for my time here, however long as that may be.

Edit: I did a quick search and found several topics, but none specifically asking where a proper place would be...
Welcome Dan. Fair, local question.

Up on saddle road there is a big (kipuka)hill on the left (heading North)where I am sure that you can find a safe area to site your rifles in.
Aloha Dan. DanielP's suggestion is a very good one. The hill is near the Mauna Kea summit turnoff and has a sheer and massive cinder base on one side that would keep even a badly misaligned rifle from going dangerously astray. IIRC, there is also a game checking station on the Kona side of the hill with some posted regulations. It's a spectacular drive, and you could probably acquire some useful information while enjoying the scenery. There might even be some hunters passing through who could offer other tips. I'm sure I don't need to say this, but please make sure it is legal to fire no matter how safe this or some other location may seem.

Edited to add: I just remembered that there is a popular bird viewing area on the Hilo side and upper reaches of this hill. This fact might affect the legality and/or prudence of firing nearby. Or not. Check it out thoroughly.
Owning a rifle is the wrong terminology here, it is known as a long gun, focuses on “gun” being the focal point of a firearm. All guns seem to have a negative impact here in the great state of Hawaii so we have many restrictions to registration and ownership. I do not know of a range here on the big island that will allow the sighting in of a long gun. We have two indoor hand gun ranges that I know of, one on the west side and one on the east side.

Here you need a permit issued by the state before you attempt to buy a gun on island of any kind even if it is a private sale. The permit takes about a week or two depending on how busy the firearms division is. The best way to circumvent this buying a gun is to get a permit in advance, pay the $20.00 fee and then you have one year to find and buy a gun. You have just per qualified yourself proving that you are a sane individual. Now if there is any history of mental health in the home that you live in this permit will be denied, but wait if you want a hand the rules change. Now you must go thru a hand gun handling corse to the tune of $200.00 or more or you will not be permitted to own one.

I’m sure that Alaska has similar laws and regulations of gun ownership. Did you have any problem bringing your guns here?

The Lack

The Lack Toons
I am aware of the laws here. Honestly, until I find a job, firearm purchases are on hold anyhow.

I guess I will have to content calling glenwood in regards to their 200m range.

As for Alaska, you name it, you can own it with minimal fuss. Nfa items still require usual paperwork, otherwise a 5 minute background check and you are good to go.

Largely, I just want to go hunting soon, but won't until I can ensure an ethical shot. Until then I wait. *shrug
I apologize. The national events of the day robbed me momentarily of my manners. Welcome to Punaweb and thank you for registering your guns. I don't know the answer to your question but I appreciate that you approached it so sensitively. I think it very likely that someone will open a shooting range on this side of the island.

My uncle was a bush pilot in Alaska and my brother was stationed there, but I've never been. I hope things go well for you up in Glenwood. Enjoy your bacon. Wear orange.

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