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Living in Hawaii
I have lived in Hawaii on and off for 30 plus years, I have never seen such unfriendly, mean-spirited remarks to newcomers or people with differing views as the postings on this website and it almost always the same responders!

We need new voices in the community, a website where you are comfortable asking questions, finding answers, inject humour and discuss Puna issues, but so many topics which start out discussing an
issue ends up getting sidetracked.

You can learn so much from the different Punaweb forums and search history and many responders are helpful and friendly[Smile]

I use to recommend this site all the time, now I am cautious who I tell about Punaweb, and also tell them to ignore the negative remarks and put downs which can take over a topic.

Not worth getting that frustrated or upset about certain responders, as they enjoy baiting people[}Smile]and that is not going to change!
I am also not going to change how I feel about their attitudes, so it is status quo.


Yep, a lot of what you say is true.

I think it is also true that 100 topics can be discussed here productively and civilly but the one that goes awry is the one that gets remembered and talked about. Same with the news.

It takes some experience to see a trap when it is laid. Try to avoid taking the bait.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
YES!!!! A lot of the time I'm hesitant to post for fear of getting trounced. It's not just the newcomers. The Latin derivation of the word sarcastic is to tear flesh. There's a difference between witty repartee & badgering. Can't we all just get along? Please Kokua, everyone.
Punaweb is pretty valuable to newcomers for both the welcoming spirit and the vitriol.

I think it gives a pretty clear insight into East Hawaii attitudes. Seems to help dispel the romantic notions of "Aloha" spirit and yet still manages to give authentic examples of what people call "living Aloha".

Meaning Hawaii ain't perfect and its not Paradise, but it can be pretty close for some. Reading and following Punaweb will give potential newcomers a dose of reality and a sense of whether they will find happiness out here outside the resort walls.

I've met some exceptional people out here, but I've met exceptional people wherever I've lived. And yes, some people are friendly here but I'm originally from the Great Plains and "Midwest Nice" is just as real as "Aloha". I guess maybe if you're from a Northeast city you might be surprised to have people be friendly for no reason.

There does seem to be a contingent here that feels like you need to pucker up and renounce your "mainlandness" in order to be welcomed on Punaweb. Could be and very likely is true but their self-appointment to this committee is pretty revealing of their personalities.
Originally posted by hikatz


Nice Aloha stickers.
Except you can scratch the northeast part there is no less percentage of rude people here than in New York , there’s just less people
Seeb, I agree there are rude and thoughtless people everywhere.

My statement was about this website and attitudes, and concern for some people moving or living in East Hawaii, which can be a difficult adjustment. The Punaweb Forums have been a valuable resource of information, which can make this adjustment much easier.[Smile]

Not everyone is thick-skinned and can ignore the continuing negativity of certain topics. I have known people who have pulled away from Punaweb just for this reason[Sad]
One should be able to post without worrying about the sarcastic feedback
and constant put downs!
Very well said hikatz.


Thank you for posting this thread.
I am a newbee to punaweb, but not to Puna. I am coming up to my 14 year anniversary of living in Orchidland.
I just started on punaweb because I am confined for a while and bored. Got thrown off 4WD and took tumble down the cliffs... anywho...while healing I decided to start on punaweb.

What is startling to me is that the old timers on here let this "Band of Bullies" (as I am now going to refer to them) run over anyone who stands up to them. They seem to pick out someone and all gang up on that person and twist their words, accuse them of saying stuff they aren't, attack them and do lots of name calling and general intimidation. The message is clear, if you challange us, get off the forum. It also seems it is worse if it is a woman who stands up to these bullies. I wish more of you would take the reigns and confront these cyber bullies who make it real unpleasant for the rest of us.

I love Puna and the Big Island and really hope to contribute while I am laid up here recovering. I love newbees to Puna and I am hoping to offer aloha and encouragement. It is a huge step to leave all your stuff, life, work, friends and family and take the leap to come to a new place in the middle of the ocean with different language, customs and ways of being. I welcome you new comers as friends and would love to assist in anyway I can. I had a lot of aloha when I first came here with a container full and no place to work or live. I believe in good karma and hope to "play it forward".
Screw the Band of Bullies on this punaweb.
Let the discussions go on with polite disagreements and we all learn something.
While I agree with most of what is being said here, I have a little different take about things.

I believe that the "Personality" of the board is a direct reflection of the moderator(s). If the moderator(s) is going to allow threads that attack other users, you are going to get attack threads. If the moderator allows bullies and bullying then you are going to get that type of post. It is all really up to the moderator(s). Let's face it, the moderator(s) only decide what is right and what is not right for this forum. The moderator(s) are in complete control. They make the rules and they enforce them as they decide to do. They allow this type of behavior and they allow the people who are doing it to stay. I believe by allowing such type of postings they are actually encouraging it. JMHO [Smile]

If some of you don't like this type thing to go on here maybe you should speak up to the moderator(s) about it. I know I have done so here recently on two specific threads. And while I respect the moderator(s) I don't agree with how they run things here. I am not saying that everyone should commit an act of anarchy. But maybe if poeple here try and get together to respectfully complain maybe the moderator(s) will listen. JMHO [Smile]

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