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pay for your business links (advertising) on PW
I am in favor of generating money for punaweb.
In addition to donating money through paypal to support PW, I think those folks who have links on every PW post to their business are advertising. This takes up a lot of screen space (I have an ipad).
I suggest you pay for your business links.
Maybe I am off-base.
Anyone else think this is not ok on an advert-free blog?
The links don't bother me
I do but if it is just a private person selling crafts or art it's OK and could be free.
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

I am in favor of generating money for punaweb.
In addition to donating money through paypal to support PW, I think those folks who have links on every PW post to their business are advertising. This takes up a lot of screen space (I have an ipad).
I would rather have an ad free PW, which was Rob's intent.

However, some long time members have been free-loading off PW for years posting several lines under their names with links to promote their businesses.
This advertising on PW. If you are going to continue with this, pay for the use of the advert space.
What do you think, Rob? I would love to have no adverts and links and several advert lines under names. OR Charge Them For This Free Service They Are Using.

Anyone else think this is not ok on an advert-free blog?

Nice job at a very thinly veiled attack.
Since the various people have been allowed to do it for years and it doesn't violate any official PunaWeb policy, why is this such a big deal?

Some forums have policies like that and some don't. This one doesn't.

If you want to do away with it, then ALL advertising, posting of websites, blogs, etc. should all be eliminated. Treat everyone equally.

However, since there are a couple of people on the elusive PunaWeb Operating Committee that already post such links in their signature, I don't you will get very far.

I was responding to your comments on the donation blog.
I agree with you. Have you changed your mind?

"If you want to do away with it, then ALL advertising, posting of websites, blogs, etc. should all be eliminated. Treat everyone equally."

I am totally in sopport of this statement.
Aloha everyone,

From the biginning I have intened Punaweb to be a free resource for Puna to meet, talk and build community and local business.

I am personally extremely pleased when local Puna busineesses promote themselves here. IF Ford Motor Company wanted to place an ad I would turn them down. When I first arrived years ago I carried Yellow Pages ads for a couple hundred dollars a month. It was expensive. If there anyone in Puna can use Punaweb to help themselves make a living I am nothing but pleased. I might hope that a local cabinetmaker or bookkeeper, for example, working out of thier home might have one free resource to promotoe themselves.

One family told me they listed their yard sale here and no where else and they sold out thier stuff by noon. That's fantsstic! Saved them about $50 in newspaper fees. They can spend that money on their kids.

So local advertising, as a Punaweb policy, is encouraged. I do appreciate the donations. They help but donations will not be required while I run this site.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I haven't changed my mind.But there's a difference between old lady selling hand made rugs and a big business ads.
If the ad is too big and takes a lot of space then an old lady should pay too.):
I agree with Rob whole heartedly. Bringing Puna together in all aspects of community is a valuable service to us all. After all, what is listed? A couple of lines following a signature with a web address or blog connection? No harm, no foul; information available if anyone wants it and it is not obtrusive in any way. It doesn't take a rocket sciencits to realize all you have to do is NOT click it.

Anyone who wants to can use the non-classifieds. Punaweb, with Rob as our "glorious" leader, is the most civilized local site I have ever seen. It has served the purpose of bringing individuals together (cooking club, scuba sundays, punaweb parties, etc) as well as share very valuable commercial information for home builders and other new residents. Hats off to Punaweb. We know more about one another than most of us knew of our neighbors on the mainland for 20 years!

It seems that the kind of "advertising" you are challenging is no more than a little resource material for those interested.


I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
okay I'll bite. If I am responding to a non-construction related topic, I typically try to uncheck the "use signature" box. If I am responding to one that is in the Bldg forum, I will use it.

Why? Well of course it generates interest. But secondly, it lets people know that I might occasionally know where I speak from.

Other wise, opinions are like okoles, every one has one. Take them under consideration then make a informed decision.

I understand both sides of this.
I do see that some folks take up a lot of space on screen and get their links in on every post.
If Rob is ok, then that's that.

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