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Shoji doors
Starting a new thread further to kapohocat's comment on shoji doors.....I am looking for suppliers or sources for shoji doors. Saw a neighbor's house with them and they are fabulous, I believe from Kona. Can we get them on the Hilo side, or does someone make them here now?

Thank you
If I remember correctly there is a sign in Dragonmama down on Bayfront about someone who does soji doors.

Thank you! I'll look. I am sure there are good carpenters here who can make them, they look so simple and elegant!

i know our own punawebber jay fritzgerald had talked to me about producing them... perhaps you can email him. if he made them, they would be lovely
If I can ever get my friend to send me the link to the 3/4" bamboo which she found for $160 for 20 LF, the plan Robert has is simple for them. (We are using bamboo instead of rice paper for durability).

Email me and I'll tell you his plan and it is pretty simple. (if gmail bounces since PW never seems to get that one fixed - when it comes back just resend with my email which is on the bounce.)
Try I have bought paper from them and seen their doors. They are very nice and made in the traditional style. They are simple and elegant looking but a lot of work and design goes into them. Be prepared to pay.

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