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Here is a Brave Man Local News Article

Just curious if local support of this young man is happening, and apparent to all. If I were there I would be supporting this young person, he is very brave. I hope people are standing behind this young man and offering positive support to him and his family.

If not perhaps people should read about war. This is so relevant and put together so thoroughly by the most decorated military man in US History.

This is new to me although written many years ago. It seems so forthright that I wanted to share it. Wish I had read this in the late 60's, it would have been very relevant for me then.

Best of luck to Lt. Ehren Watada and his family.


mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Electric Blues Radio (on line). Best blues station anywhere.

Carrie W

Thanks for the link Carrie, I have enjoyed the station a lot recently. I'm listening to it now.

S. FL Islander to be

Edited by - oink on 01/11/2007 07:11:58
Big Islander to be.
Here you go!

Just curious if local support of this young man is happening, and apparent to all. If I were there I would be supporting this young person, he is very brave. I hope people are standing behind this young man and offering positive support to him and his family.

If not perhaps people should read about war. This is so relevant and put together so thoroughly by the most decorated military man in US History.

This is new to me although written many years ago. It seems so forthright that I wanted to share it. Wish I had read this in the late 60's, it would have been very relevant for me then.

Best of luck to Lt. Ehren Watada and his family.


mella l

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Lt Watada will be tried by a court he chose, and I don't believe hemming and haaing to the public weighs in his favor. I have watched a few officer and many enlisted court martials in my time in the USMC, usually there are no enlisted men present except maybe a pogue typist (I was an aide to one of the highest members on the ones I saw and I was trusted never to say anything). CM are very closed and stern affairs. I saw a civil attorney stood up and dressed down then removed because he didn't pay the court respect by threatening to talking to a reporter during the case. Civilians must remember this will be a military court he will be in and the rules aren't the same. Personally I think he made a grave decision, that will affect him for the rest of his life.

As to Smedley Butler and his book. SB had malaria, yep its true. Malaria is a bad disease, caught by an awful lot of marines. Besides the fevers and everything else that goes along with it forever, malaria affects the mind. SB was ever thought to have had the soundest mind, and in the later years was denied the job of commandant for that very reason and the fact he couldn't keep his mouth shut(he was know to lip off in front of heads of state and women about crazy things). Take together the issues of the plot to over throw the govt and some of his writtings during and after Central America I would say malaria had a great affect on him. Not to worry though it also affected Chesty Puller, another great marine, who was releaved during a WW2 battle because of his unsound decisions. Both SB and CP were noted as having bloodshot eyes, yep from malaria.

Brave? This guy is a coward. Hello, this is a voluntary Army. This guy joined he wasn’t drafted. Plus, he’s a commissioned officer. Brave are the sons and daughters that are deployed. This officer (Soon not) is a disgrace to the to them and the uniform.
What did he think he was joining the Boy Scouts? As a soldier you take orders without question. Any Marines out there?
How can you sympathize with anyone who disobeys orders?
The only good thing this guy did was show his true colors now and not on the battlefield. I say lock him up and throw away the key.
Hope he likes Kansas this time of year because that’s where he’s going, Leavenworth! You can send your letters of support there.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Here is a song for you!

Artist: Scott McKenzie Lyrics
Song: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair) Lyrics

If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people with flowers in their hair

All across the nation such a strange vibration
People in motion
There's a whole generation with a new explanation
People in motion people in motion

For those who come to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there

If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there

Guess I'm a pacifist. I'm not sorry about this, born and raised in SF, I believe in it!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I don't see this as bravery or not. He is an employee who refused a job assignment knowing what the consequences are. I respect his decision and will respect him personally if he does not try to make himself into a martyr or victim. He is not any different from any other employee who decides to act against their employer. We've all been there one time or other. P.S. I'm personally a pacifist too, but unfortunately, most people in the world are not. I appreciate the police and soldiers who protect me and allow me to live in peace. Me, I've never touched a gun and don't intend to.

watada has stood up to bush and his illegal failed oil war and should be commended for it, i support him 100%, the real cowards in this fiasco are the main players(chickenhawks) in this illegal war, the ones who started it, the warmonger in chief(who hid out in alabama during VN) and mr. torture himself cheney, it's great that the majority of this country finally woke up and see these cowards and their failed policies for what they are.!

My earlier feeble attempt to derail the topic was not an accident.

S. FL Islander to be
Big Islander to be.
I don't see this as bravery or not. He is an employee who refused a job assignment knowing what the consequences are. I respect his decision and will respect him personally if he does not try to make himself into a martyr or victim. He is not any different from any other employee who decides to act against their employer. We've all been there one time or other. P.S. I'm personally a pacifist too, but unfortunately, most people in the world are not. I appreciate the police and soldiers who protect me and allow me to live in peace. Me, I've never touched a gun and don't intend to.

Lee, the military is nothing like a regular job, they don’t compare. You’re kidding, right? You can refuse a “Job assignment” but in the military you are given orders, like it or not. You take an oath when you’re inducted that you will obey orders. Did you take an oath at any job you ever had? If that were the case in WW ll would we be here today living with the free life style that we have today? Don’t be confused because you don’t support this war the military doesn’t change no matter what the circumstances are. You can’t pick the wars you want to support when you join the military; you’re in for the long haul no matter the duty. If you don’t want to choose that life style don’t join, he did. He is a disgrace to all the members and families of the military past and present. I don’t need a crystal ball to tell his future, he will receive his court martial and go to jail where he belongs, making big rocks into little ones. Oh. I bet he would like to refuse his next order to.
He’ll have plenty of time on his hands to think about his choice.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....

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