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Gunshots in HPP?!?!?
Late last night around 2:30 AM, we were awakened by three loud BANGS in succession. Groggy - not knowing what we heard - THEN six loud bangs in succession. I've heard that sound before! An automatic - a handgun not a rifle - fairly large caliber. The shots sounded like they came from lower Paradise Drive, possibly Beach or Paradise Ali Kai! Anyone else hear them? Maybe a more specific location? Any other information?
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. I don't think I should say anything more about that, though. There is also a gunshop on PAK.
Originally posted by Kelena
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. I don't think I should say anything more about that, though. There is also a gunshop on PAK.
Thanks for reminding me of the "Man in Black" and it sure reminded me how much I miss him. [Sad][Sad][Sad]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

And thank YOU, John. It worked. : )

And I miss Johnny'a thump-thump guitar-playin', too.
I guess this happens so often that people can joke about it and not care. I hear what sounds like gunshots frequently in HPP and commented on this forum before. Like now, few people appeared to even care. I don't think I heard the same incident as Menehune but I did hear a similar succession of rapid fire shots about a week ago late at night. I just got used to it so it doesn't scare me anymore. I just go back to sleep.
One less pig feeding on the pineapples - on the grill, yum
Originally posted by bystander

I guess this happens so often that people can joke about it and not care. I hear what sounds like gunshots frequently in HPP and commented on this forum before. Like now, few people appeared to even care. I don't think I heard the same incident as Menehune but I did hear a similar succession of rapid fire shots about a week ago late at night. I just got used to it so it doesn't scare me anymore. I just go back to sleep.

Mahalo - bystander for keeping it "real"! I too feel it is nothing to joke about. The area it came from and really ALL of HPP is too densely populated for shooting a firearm at ANYTHING. I am not against "guns" - just the "dangerous" use of them. A bullet can kill or maim from a fairly long distance. TWO THIRTY in the morning is not reasonable for most hunting and definitely not reasonable at ANY time in HPP.

What does it take to get peoples attention when something dangerous happens?

Somebody or something hit?

" I just got used to it so it doesn't scare me anymore. I just go back to sleep."
It saddens me and scares me too; that in some areas it is that prevalent.

If you can -call the police - they WANT and NEED to know of such incidents.

What did the police say, had anyone else reported this?
People often stay overnight on Beach Rd, I wouldn't be surprised it they had something to do with it.
I doubt anyone is shooting a pig with a handgun at 2:30 a.m..

In general though, pig-hunting is the number one reason for guns going off in my rural area. The close neighbors here notify each other when they have a hunter trying to get a pig that has been ravaging. Typically it is at night, just not the wee hours.

The police can't do much if the gunfire stops and the location isn't narrowed down. It's still serious and unnerving. Someone could be dead because of drugs or a domestic dispute, and who would know?

If everyone who heard the shots did call in, at least the police would know roughly where the shots were heard. They are unlikely to canvas the neighborhood, though, without some evidence of a crime. I have to wonder how many people simply disappear.
Our HPP Community Policing Officer tells us at Neighborhood Watch to report all such incidents and to urge neighbors to do so as well. Multiple reports not only increase the likelihood of an actual police visit and investigation, but they provide data points that increase the chances that the exact location and circumstances can be determined. Having said all that, the vastness and remaining undeveloped areas of HPP make such investigations difficult. None-the-less, the standard operating procedure for our Block Watches is to report and to report again if the problem persists. In a recent local newspaper story the police describe such persistent reporting as a huge reason crime is dramatically down in HPP and Puna.

If you are concerned about such matters in HPP (or anywhere else) and you don't participate in Neighborhood Watch, you are missing the best opportunity to make your area unatractive to criminals. Contact us at , and we will get you started. It's free and easy to train for, and you won't regret it.

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