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The Dead Whale
Now that's its been on the news, and all my friends within 50 miles have called about it last night and this AM .... and although it is dead not alive, and way way pilau I am sure....

....If you just have to come down to see it, please respect our small streets and drive slowly, park in designated spaces, pack your trash out, and dont poop in the bushes.

Good luck with that.
The poop in bushes part is disgusting.
Eveytime I am there I see this going on. A port-a pot would help a lot. Folks are going to need to go if they are there and there are no facilities, it's goin ta happen...

Also, a dead whale really stinks BIG TIME. Not a great time to be there or to go swimming or renting a place...YUK the smell is overwhelming and the longer it sits the wrse the smell. It even gets on your clothes. Not something I would drive to see for sure.
It is worse than I thought.
I googled this and supposedly the whale has been dead since March 6 when it was seen in Hilo Bay. DISEASE and STENCH.
i am staying as far away as possible.
I will NEVER forget childhood on north shore Ohau when whale was nearby rotting. It stunk for months and the vacation rentals sorta closed down. NOBODY wanted to be anywhere nearby and we put vicks on our upper lips to just get through the nights.
My sympathies if the wind blows this your way.
why would anyone go to Kapaho to look at a rotting carcas? People do the oddest things, especially here, ya?
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy...Kapaho...


And it is not in the tide pools, it is south of Waiopae tide pools - about a 20 min walk at least. And yes I agree, to me it isnt worth the smell to get up close.

As for the porta=potty, its been an issue for a long time. The association even paid for one down here for at least a year or more. But now the person who let it be put on her property will be building soon, and the issue is one of liability and DOH waste water regs.

Personally, I would say do the safety pee before you head this way, and understand there is no public restroom.
Actually, that whale has been dead even longer, it was dead, shark-bait & rotting March 6th in Hilo.

It amazed me that Dr. Turner had to issued the warning about approaching, collecting &/or climbing on the carcass in March (even though dead, the permits are still needed), but people will do that, even with the awful stench, not to mention the disease & flies & such....and it is that much more decayed now! YUUUCCKKK!

For the folks in Kapoho, let us all hope for a tide tide with favorable winds, SOON (hopefully this weekend...).
Just hope no one consults the Oregon Highway department on how to dispose of the carcass. They decided to dynamite one with unfortunate results:


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
OK, this gives me the excuse I need to post one of my favorite you tube videos as a precautionary tale:

This is an infamous news report about a town that thought dynamite might be an easy way to get rid of their dead whale carcass
Originally posted by Carey

Actually, that whale has been dead even longer, it was dead, shark-bait & rotting March 6th in Hilo. ...

Exactly and it stayed quiet here until last night.... few people here and there outside our little community knew... until Channel 2 thought it good idea to publicize it.

It was on the front page of the Hawaii Tribune Herald yesterday, with photo.
When I was living in Brookings Oregon, there was a grey whale that was washed up on the beach. They did remember what happens with TNT, so they buried it. All good and fine until it bloated and on one high tide, come popping out of the sand! After being buried for sometime, the stench was really bad!!



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