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An interesting discussion about the police...
Hey since we're on the subject of the police, (in another thread, where I was asked to copy/paste this)... did anyone else notice the recent flap between Tenari Ma'afala of SHOPO and Dominic Yagong? The County Council apparently adopted a policy statement aimed at continuing furloughs. But that's not what got Mr Yagong in trouble. He added: "There's nobody here on this council who doesn't support police and fire, but they're no more important than a park janitor, clerk or recreational trainer..."

Tenari responded: "Obviously, you and your cohorts who supported this ill-advised resolution feel that the duties, responsibilities and countless sacrifices of our police officers (and their families) ... are in vain, as we're being compared to that of a janitor, clerk, and recreation trainer."

ME: Are the police, in fact, more important than janitors, clerks and recreation[al] trainers? I realize they've been hard at it keeping the streets of Pahoa safe from all the seatbelt scofflaws (sorry, couldn't resist), but it seems to me that life would get equally dicey without the janitors and clerks.

Tenari also said: "Our police officers put their lives on the line every day, and are tasked with making split-second decisions to 'take a life to save a life' (or lives), including yours, Mr. Yagong, your family's, the people of Hawaii County, and our visitors."

ME: I get it, I get it. The police do a job that is sometimes difficult and can also be dangerous. I have a problem however, whenever this old chestnut is trotted out. I don't understand why it ought to be incumbent upon the rest of us to adore the police for their selfless efforts. It seems to me that any police officer who doesn't want to do that job anymore is absolutely free to pursue another career. They do a job. We pay them for that. End of transaction. Those of us who don't feel like kissing their shoes and thanking them for being heroes whenever they walk by should be allowed the freedom to refrain from doing so. Any one of them who feels like they are not being appreciated enough, or paid enough, is free to go get another job. The constant self-congratulation seems a bit tired, in my humble opinion.

Sorry Rob, I guess I miss the Lack a little bit. (Stirring the pot...)
Honestly, I think if we lived in a big city, maybe even bigger than Honolulu, then yes. Hilo, not so much.

Fire fighters always deserve more. They do in fact save lives and limbs every day especially at the intersection of Malama and Hwy 130.

If the police aren't more important than janitors etc, then how come they get paid more?
I'm not sure how much the police get paid, but it wouldn't be enough to get me to risk my life every single day. Unlike, say, office staff.
I think Dominic was simply trying to respect all county employees and SHOPO got it's nose out of joint thinking they, of course, deserved more respect. Everyone is deserving of respect.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Yes Kapohocat, you have a handle on it.
My godfather was a FF, and died in the line of duty.
A cousin was a FF and died in the line of duty.
A childhood friend was a FF who died in the line of duty.
And there is more.
I respect all public employees.
Critical? Sometimes,yes.
In fact, often.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I think Dominic was simply trying to respect all county employees and SHOPO got it's nose out of joint thinking they, of course, deserved more respect. Everyone is deserving of respect.


[Big Grin]@PaulW, the office counter clerks at the Bldg dept should have gotten combat pay during 2004-2006. [Big Grin]
Anybody who by definition is willing to run into a burning building when everyone else is running out deserves a decent wage and benefits, and all the respect and appreciation in the world. I think it is unfair to firefighters that they are lumped in with police so often, the two are very different jobs that attract very different kinds of people, and serve the community in different ways. People almost invariably support firefighters, while opinions vary greatly on police officers because of many personal factors that affect each person's view of the profession.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
UMMM.... perhaps it is only me... but SHOPO mentioned that recreation trainers as worth less (or not as heroic) than police (& fire) personnel... all of the lifeguards that work for the county are rec. dept. employees & trainers.... even though they may seem to have a cushy job, they also are called into to risk their life if someone is in danger.... so.... maybe we should all respect EVERYONE.

ETA: cannot type tonight!
This link has relevant info although I haven't vetted the site:

Interesting excerpts from the site:
While there’s no doubt that being a police officer or firefighter is a dangerous job, being a farmer is even riskier. The rate of fatal occupational injuries for farmers and ranchers is 38.5 per 100,000 full-time workers, versus 4.4 for firefighters, and 13.1 for police and sheriff’s patrol officers, according to U.S. Department of Labor data for 2009, the most recent available.
Overall, the average incidence rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses, requiring days away from work, was 117 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2009. You’d expect some occupations to have high rates, such as police and sheriff’s patrol officers, who have a rate of 676, and firefighters, with a rate of 512. But can you guess an occupation with a higher rate than either cops or firefighters?

Try local government transit and intercity bus drivers, at 892.

It was always my understanding that it was the firefighters who worked in the older big cities with old tall building that had the dangerous job not the rural firefighter. Just the opposite for police. In the big cities there is almost always multiple units on any call. In the rural areas the rural officer finds himself handling calls alone that a big city officer would never consider working solo. They are nearly always on scene before Fire Rescue and frequently perform the medical first responder duties that keep the victim alive until the more advanced resources arrive.

I know I'm wasting my time with this as it's pretty obvious most punatics are far from being pro cop. For those of you that think cops get too much praise, I can assure you they don't get much. They do get plenty of complaints when trying their best to do their jobs. If you don't like them because they enforce laws then change the laws. Everybody loves firefighters because they only come to help you. Cops do stuff like write you the tickets you thought the other person deserved and that you may have even complained about. Cops realize they will never get general adoration, but they do expect basic respect. It's amazing to see people ask for the same cop they previously called names you've never even dreamed of and expressed the darkest hate, and then say that they're glad it was that cop that show up because they know he/she will actually do something to solve the problem. Kinda a love hate thing. You don't have to love, just show respect.

PS: Cops do run into burning buildings more often than you would think, mainly when someone is thought to be inside. However, they do it before Fire Rescue arrives and without hoses, oxygen or nomex suits and usually without any backup.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Well it's time we honor the people in our community that day in and day out put their lives and limbs in jeopardy; And without compensation! Yes, I'm talking about the Skaters out there. SK8ers; This one's for you, yo!

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