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Wedding Cake Makers??
We're looking for a cake maker for our wedding in July. Hoping for someone who works out of their house and doesn't have to pass on their crazy high overhead! Are there any Punawebbers who can point us in the right direction? Mahalo!
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Rene at the Ohana Beauty Shop in the Keaau Village Market (across from McDonalds) made a wedding cake for us. It was excellent - beautiful to look at and excellent quality cake. The price was also very good.
E-Claire's Bakery on Waianuenue is good. Her cake prices are quite reasonable and she will work with you if you want a really creative design. I think she used to be at Okeefe's.

Hoping for someone who works out of their house and doesn't have to pass on their crazy high overhead!

You do realize you get what you pay for????
Spunky, thanks for the tip... It looks like an apt title you chose there. I checked Eclaires out already, she makes great treats. I realize that a person gets what they pay for, but a wedding cake that starts at 700, not including tax or delivery is a bit insane. That's almost as much as the entire catering bill.

Thanks for the other tip, wax. I'll check her out!
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Donno but congratulations and best wishes for health and happiness.

yurtgirl.....I'm pretty sure Eclaires is MUCH cheaper than $700. I would hate for people to get the impression from your post that Claire's cakes start at $700, because she does do very budget friendly work. Short and Sweet on the other hand is really expensive.

Then again it depends if you are feeding 50 or 450 people. Claire was willing to create a cake in the shape of a surfboard complete with surfer stickers, waves, seashells that would feed 30+ people for well under $100 - I think it was around $75.

I've written 8 - eight - annual bridal guides for newspapers and have covered wedding cakes several times. I wrote about a Maui bride once who had THREE cakes for her wedding - she said the best of the three came from Safeway.
Short and sweet and Eclaires were equal costs. I'm not a poster that is sloppy with information, no worries. These are true figures. I've learned that as soon as we include the word 'wedding' in an item, the cost triples or more. That's on everything from dresses to flowers to cakes. Cakes start at $75, that's what we were told. Then we heard back on the most basic wedding cakes, It's $6/slice. So a $75 cake would be what, roughly 12 slices? We plan for 100 guests, 120 to be on the safe side. $6 a slice doesn't include tax or delivery. It's the cost of a permanent sculpture, actually, and I would know. I've charged much less for one of my custom sculptures. I'm sure there's a reason and obviously some people pay it, but I sure can't justify that. I could pay for another friend or relative to fly here for that cost. Maybe I should just say its a birthday cake... and thank you, Pog. Very much!
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I'll check safeway too, but I'd sure prefer supporting someone local for a reasonable cost. Thinking too.... six times thirty is 180... so the word wedding must have doubled it?! See that? It's like the word itself is a magic dollar doubler!
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I did a quick search on craiglist and found this woman offering to make custom cakes. I know you can save a lot of money on wedding cakes if you keep the cake simple and decorate it with flowers.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Why are you adding "wedding" onto the request, if that ends up costing so much more?

Spunky has a great idea: get a few different cakes.... for our wedding over 20 years ago, we had an assortment of cakes, we even got a couple of Dairy Queen frozen cakes (I figured if I was going to freeze cake for a year, may as well START with a frozen one... unfortunately, those were gobbled up first!) Guests liked having a selection, it was VERY reasonable & we didn't have to worry about a "cake disaster", as there was no ONE cake to get ruined.

ETA: a good thing to remember when planning a wedding, many people plan on having a "memorable" wedding... but the things most of the guests will remember will probably have nothing to do with the things you purchase, unless something goes drastically wrong!

How many wedding cakes do you remember? (most likely something VERY unusual or the cake that fell over...even mild tilting cakes are usually forgotten by most of the guests!)

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