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House in HPP
Aloha all,
I was wondering if there is anybody who lives in HPP and would like to share some information about this subdivision. I've heard from my friend who lives in Kona that this area has drug problems, crime rate is high and overall is dangerous. However, when I looked at Hawaiianparadisepark web site it looks like majority of residents are retired or actively working, a lot of new houses are built, so I'm a little confused. Any info will be appreciated.
BI Vet

I am retired and live in HPP. I don't know where your friend got his information from because I haven't seen or heard anything about it. HPP is a very large subdivision with a large portion of retiree's and working class people who all came here to live the dream. People here are very friendly and many go out of their way to help others.

let me be the first to chime in. I'm from Oahu originally, and I just moved my family here because of the price of homes in Puna is very affordable,and I truly believe the Big Island is a wonderful place to raise one's family. We moved here on Jan 31st of this year. Before moving here I did my research about the subdivisions. I checked them all out, Ainaloa, HPP, Nanawale Estates, Hawaiian Beaches, etc, etc... Each of these subdivisions offers something special & unique. Just like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so is the special & unique aspect of these subdivisions! After all my research on all the subdivisions, guess where I'm having my home built? HPP!!! For me and my family it was the obvious choice!
We are living in the part of HPP where my kids attend Kea'au school. Currently I live on 9th Ave. while my house is being built on 3rd Ave. BI Vet, it is my opinion that HPP is the premier subdivision on the east-side. Why? Simply look how much the lots have increased in price the past 5 years, and I believe it's the fastest growing subdivision on this side for many a reason too, and none of them are crime related!

As your friend in Kona when was he last in HPP? Ten years ago or more the subdivisons caught a "bad rap", as being the Wild,wild west. But today they are booming with life. A lot of retired 'Baby Boomers',from the mainland, and locals from Oahu trying to find affordable housing now make up the majority of the subdivison residents. They all pretty much live in harmony too.

In closing I'd say that Kona has a much larger drug problem than HPP any day!

Edited by - beachboy on 03/03/2007 07:39:43

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
I am retired and live in HPP. I don't know where your friend got his information from because I haven't seen or heard anything about it. HPP is a very large subdivision with a large portion of retiree's and working class people who all came here to live the dream. People here are very friendly and many go out of their way to help others.

I'm glad to hear that because I have recently bought a house there and was a little worried. I think he just repeats what he heard in the past from somebody else.Thank you for your response.

Aloha BI Vet,
I will echo what Macuu222 said. HPP is quite nice overall, and people are generally friendly. There is some crime, but it is no worse (probably better) than most Puna subdivisions. What crime there is tends to be things like theft, illegal dumping in less populated areas, and illegal four-wheeler use, but we are not plagued with constant incidents.

Most of the roads are unpaved cinder, which some folks like, but there is a move afoot to pave them all. Lot sizes, except for a relatively small area near the ocean, are a full acre, so you have a lot of room (and a lot of landscape maintenance if you don't leave some of it natural forest like we did.) Like nearly every other Puna subdivision there is no home mail service and our in-neighborhood mail box blocks are hopelessly wait-listed. Except for a few small areas mostly near Highway 130 we are without county water service. I have adjusted just fine to catchment. Some folks have wells.

Hope this helps. I really love it here, and our neighbors are nearly all helpful, friendly people.


Aloha BI Vet,

You will find that some people who live in Kona think that any subdivision on the east side is full of drugs and crime. The truth is that there are good and "bad" sections of every subdivision. HPP has some beautiful properties and it has some shacks. My advice would be to check it out yourself. If you're considering a property talk to the neighbors. You'll find that most people are open and honest and willing to talk to you. When I first moved to the BI I lived in HPP. Once, my truck broke down on the side of the road, and wouldn't you know it, every single car (about 20) that passed stopped to see if they could help. I'm talking everyone from grandpas and grandmas down to some teenage local boys.

Just my 2 cents.


Edited by - Jody on 03/03/2007 07:45:31
BI Vet, we bought a house in Keaau, but lived in HPP last year. HPP is a very fast changing area. Just looking at the changes in areial photos of the subdivision over the last 5 years (esp. the last 2) will give you a very good idea of the pace of current change. Very many people on Island may have no idea of the changes, and so their opinions of the area may be rooted in past ideas.
That said, because of the very low land costs in the past, some of the lots do have problems - as do lots in most of the Puna subdivisions - including junked vehicles and other illegal uses. Much of this is getting cleaned up, as the cost of land is no longer dirt cheap, and people paying for lots are expecting more (and the landowners can benefit from cleaning up the area).
Good luck with your move,
Aloha, Carey

Here's an article a friend of mine wrote on moving to Puna and the various subdivisions. I've lived in many of them and while these are generalizations, I agree with most of them - in general. My first pick would be HPP. (She's lived here many years and has a relative in Big Island law enforcement)

"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
Aloha BI Vet;
I retired in 2003 and purchased land in HPP at that time.There were some areas that were marginal ,such as run down houses and junk cars etc.Since that time there has been a very noticeable improvement.We finished building our little retirement dream home in August of last year here in HPP.The neighbors are friendly and we are very happy we chose HPP for our Hawaiian home.We have made more friends here in the past year than we had in 20 years of Florida living.People wave at you as you pass by on the side roads.reminds me of when I grew up in Ohio back in the 50's and 60's.They do intend to pave the roads,which has its pluses and minuses,but funding is going to come from each lot owners annual road maint. fees.The catchment water was a new thing for us to get used to,but with good filtration and a uv system,we really enjoy controlling our water source.Hope this helps.
Don & Lek
"Living the Dream"

Just remember as long as the Kona people think Puna is really bad we are safe from being overrun by those people! Smile

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


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