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I smell a rat
Literally. I have one of those noses. I think the rats have nested in our attic and in our shed. We put traps where we can reach, but I really don't want to go crawling up in the hotter'n'hell attic. Anyone know of a good exterminator?
We use Willkill.

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
How about a cat? Smile Meaowwwww....
A rat in the attic will need to descend at some point, and usually has a trail -(inside -closets, pantries, a hole in the wall, outside -a tree, drainpipe, something to climb up and a lower exit area - both good places to set traps a little lower that the hot attic...
I think we'll go with Carey's idea. Good point on the fact the rats come to ground level at some point. We don't use rat poison bc rats go hide when they don't feel well and can rot in the most hard-to-get places - then you really have a stink. We learned that lesson the hard way man years ago and haven't used it since!! Cat allergies here so that's out of the question.
Don't have any trees or other vegetation next to the house. Rats can climb up it to get on the roof.

I am not a big fan of small dogs as a whole, but some of the small dog breeds are amazing ratters and will keep your place rodent free.

Ours aren't even small dogs, and no rat or mongoose survives on our place longer than about 15 minutes. They come in from the neighboring jungle lots, but the dogs have an uncanny ability to tell when one sets a paw or whisker over the property line and will hunt it down instantly.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I've got cat allergies too. Thankfully one of my dogs has become quite the prolific "ratter". He happens to be a hulky, part-husky mutt, so not sure if size matters in this instance. Wink So far my doggy has racked up 7 rat kills and even has a mongoose kill (that he claimed in a grisly tug-of-war with his sibling). He's got a hunter's instinct, and won't give up until he flushes out the rat and kills it. (The rats like to hide in my tool shed.) Once the rat is dead he drops it on the driveway for me to admire, then walks away. His sibling on the other hand, about 20 pounds lighter, lacks her brother's persistence: she'll go after the rat if it happens her way, but otherwise doesn't want to be bothered.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Any advice for a water rat?

In the last month we have seen it swim under water across pond about 4-5 times. Had not seen it before this in the previous 16 months.

We use the green wax cubes for the land rats, and also our kitties are hunters.... but this one rat. GRRRRRR! If he would eat talapia that would be fine, but I think we have lost 2 new very small koi to it.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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