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Hawaiian Airlines Neighbor Island Travel Plan
I got an email from Hawaiian Air today about their new Neighbor Island Travel Plan.
It seems like there is a discount if you buy the plan. there are several plans to chose from.
The one I like is for 4 round trips from one island to another island. You have to be specific and with this plan you can only fly to that one island 4 times.
I just thought I would share this in case others can benefit:
Well when you read the fine print, for us it means we can fly to Oahu or Maui, since those are the only direct flights from Hilo. The 4 -round trip plan can only be used by one person and can not be used with kids under 12. Doesn't look like a great plan to me, unless you're a frequent traveler on one of the specifically allowed routes. I wish they had just done a simple discount percentage for locals and called it a day...
Have to agree with KeaauRich - and even Maui isn't a great option since there are so few direct flights. It might be a good option if you regularly fly to Honolulu on your own and stay on Saturdays or for at least 4 days.

There is also only one direct flight per day each way to Maui, which is a huge pain both for the plan and in general (long flight time and high cost if you want to go there). If you get the third one with 24 one-ways, you could book a round trip to Kauai as four one-ways and the price would probably be the same at worst, though you would have to pick up your bags and go back in again. I noticed that there is a clause that says nested round-trips are banned (so for the round-trip-only plans, you can't book a trip to Oahu, and then travel on to Kauai before coming back), which is baffling. You're using two trips, so what's the problem?
I agree. Too many requirements. Especially the 4 day layover or Saturday night stay, and the non -stops only. The amount of savings isn't enough with all the limitations as far as I'm concerned.
Hawaiian is getting slammed on its Facebook page..very few folks are as excited about this new plan. Hawaiian was responding to individual comments at first, but as the posts build up, they've become silent.
Ah, so is FB the best place to give Hawaiian feedback? I wanted to write them.

Like most plans cooked up in this state, this offer benefits Oahu residents far more than neighbor island residents. Especially those with regular jobs who want to go golf for the weekend or visit ohana. Oahu has plenty non-stops to all major islands.

I would like to see a break for neighbor island folks with medical-related travel needs. It isn't their fault that the state is set up such that many services are only on Oahu. Or say your family member gets sent to the hospital there and you want to support them.

They could do something for those people, perhaps with an official validation by a facility (if they could figure out something not easily faked).

I have friends who just went over for a procedure that required an overnight, and spent $700 on flights for two and hotel room-- only to arrive and find the medical practice had mixed up charts and ordered the wrong essential thing. They had to turn around and go home. Even if it had all gone well, that $700 is aside from the medical costs, co-pays.

Also it should not be confined to non-stops. Not the consumer's fault that Hawaiian won't schedule more non-stops between neighbor islands. Bad enough we have to fly to Oahu to get to Maui.

I also feel like Hawaiian has cooked up a way to get a cash infusion (if people go for it). Very unfair to working/low income folks that it costs so much up front for the most flexible plan.

hawaiideborah, thanks for sharing, and I hope future offers will be shared even if they are not great deals, so that we can be informed and discuss them.

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs

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