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Any propert owners out there?
Any propert owners out there? Rental units?Slight dilemna. I have found that renters seem to have a legal advantage in our system. One of my condo units in Waikoloa has not paid rent for several months. Actully 6 months! I have tried taking legal avenues to remove tenant but as I am losing money the law seems to take sides with tenants rather than the rights of the owner. It actually would take a few thousand to take legal proceedings to remove tenat as compared to what they owe. Any suggestions? Tenant ran into financial difficulties and although they were excellent tenants how much leeway can I give them? The usual answer is I will come up with my balance next month. I have heard this too many times before. I do not wish to put them on the street but business is business. Im losing funds and there really is not that many renters these days {GOOD RENTERS}. I have to make trip back to Maine to see my son is two weeks. Hopefully with clear mind. Any suggestions? I never had to evict tenant before.
What you need is legal advise, something that you won't find here on Punaweb.

Make some phone calls. Often times lawyers will tell you about your options and what they will cost you before their fee based work begins.
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
One thing we did with good tenants who did run into difficulties is raise their rent so that the all past due balance was paid off in 6 months. We did change the rental agreement to reflect this change, but did not change the deposit amount.

We were lucky in that they got breathing room, but at a price, and we did get the back rent. They ended up staying another 12 months with few late payments.

Good idea Thanks!
"We do not all have your kind of bank account to be able to afford the supplies etc for preparedness. Please do not talk with your nose in air"

But now you own multiple condo units?

My nose is certainly not in the air. I worked hard as a systems engineer for a large corporation. Retired early because of some lucky stocks. Moved away from mainland to live a easier lifestyle as far as climate etc. I have the right to invest. So can you. To know me you would think I have not a dime. Simple home. older car, and does not forget where I came from and my struggles.
Originally posted by PaulW

"We do not all have your kind of bank account to be able to afford the supplies etc for preparedness. Please do not talk with your nose in air"

But now you own multiple condo units?

Your point? It is ok to be thrifty in this economy.
We were talking about your post right now and one of my friends said, even though the late fees are minimal, tell them when they get the back paid by xxx date, you will waive the late fees.

But like my suggestion, either of these only works if the renters you can truly feel that they just need a break to get back on track.
"Please do not tell me what is best for me ok? We all have our opinions, and you have yours. I realize your a californian who has lots of money. You can afford to be more prepared than most of us."

So here you were speaking on behalf of the poor people? Lucky them.
Here is a link to the Hawaiian code for dealing with tenants who don't pay.

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