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Any Chance on a new topic of Moving to Puna?
I was wondering if there's a chance of making a new topic for People wishing to move to Hawaii and the Puna area. MY wife and I will be moving there soon and it would be great to know more from the wonderful people of the Puna area. And to let others who wish or think of moving to the Puna area..

Housing is cheap to buy in Puna, everything comes on barges so prices are heavily influenced by fuel prices, jobs are scarce, and the cost of commuting to Hilo gets more expensive every day. Crime varies statistically by neighborhood, and even block in neighborhood.

The experience and definition of Paradise varies from person to person.
Almost everything else is subjective opinions.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, you summarized it all quite well.

Everything else is subjective.

I think that the most important thing for people moving here is to do their home work, not just here where you get so many varying opinions, but by staying here for a while before making the big move. Knowing what the night sounds are like, neighborhoods, crime, cost of commodities, commuting on 130 at rush hour etc. Also you can check crime statistics and things like that online. Is it important to you to know how long it takes for an ambulance or fire truck to get to your house? Do you care if you get mail delivery or live where there is access to the bus? Do you want cell reception or need an internet connection? Those are all lifestyle issues, but things which are crucial in making a successful move here.

I do not live in Puna, but it was our first introduction to Hawaii on vacation and we seriously looked at over 30 houses in Puna before deciding on Hilo.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
I tell my mainland buddies "If you liked the movie deliverance, you will love east Hawaii" - grin

There are some real positives, there is a very good university that is growing by leaps & bounds, while staying one of the most affordable, there is a public transportation system (for an county of our size & populations, that really is saying alot!), there is an active arts scene, & there are some the most magical places on earth here... so you do have to look at EVERYTHING... and to know what is important to you, and that you are a huge distance from much of what you are used to.
Have you been here before? Are going to buy a house? Do you need to find jobs, or are you retired? What are your views on rain? I ask this because even a difference of a few miles can drastically change the annual rainfall.
We just moved here from Puyallup, Washington this last September 5th.

I'd be happy to comment, but I think at least the above questions are pertinant.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
puna web has answered all the ??? already, you gotta dig. For more detail you need to tell these people a lot more about yourself than other than just wanting to move to puna. ^^^^ what they said.

my two cents. I'am moving to the kingdom/state of hawaii. I'm deep onto the process. having been to this place I long to call home. I can say this. If the aina does not put your in your place the people will. don't pick your place let it pick you. Respect the islands their are none others like. & don't read to much puna web it will only depress you and make you think your moving to the fire swamp.

Aloha follow your heart and bring moneyWink
I think you'll find the answers here more genuine than at city-data. Somebody commented that the answers are already here if you dig for them. True. But the idea of the OP was a NEW post. I think that is prudent since time tweaks the answers.

The thing I see regurgitated on ANY Hawaii forum about moving to Hawaii is cost of living. I have had the fortune to live in places MUCH more expensive than Hawaii. Your mileage will vary depending on what you are used to. My wife and I are almost 1/2 way done moving to Puna- enough that we refer to it as home even though we spend less time in Puna than our other home in Alaska where the cost of living is much higher.

Many things you can find out online. What you can't find out is whether or not Puna, or more specifically a certain part of Puna is the right place for you. We burned through 4 realtors finding our dream puna patch and when we found it, we found it without their help. Right now the cost of real estate with housing is so affordable in Puna its definitely competitive with most other markets in the US.

If you haven't yet- get on a plane, come, get a car, and explore the entire island. Make sure Puna is right for you. If it is, spend as much time exploring Puna. There are so many climates in such a small geographical area it boggles the mind.
Anybody who wants to launch a new Moving to Puna topis is perfectly free to do so.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
as it seems this has already become a Moving to Puna topic, what you could do is just edit your subject heading and change it into what you wanted to have.

Puna itself is incredibly diverse, then if you move out to the whole island level, and from there to the state, there is less and less advice that applies to the whole thing.

Most people who are looking to move here start their own personalized topics and talk about their own situation and interests, and get customized advice. I suspect that's why there isn't a long-running "Moving to Puna" topic. It would get full of tangents ...

But you are welcome to try one! [Smile]

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