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Alaska Humpback Delisting???
Just came across this today. Alarming trend to try and delist our still vulnerable species!
It seems the State of Alaska believes that here are enough whales already. A Hawaii fishing group apparently petitioned the same way.

Public comment closes in just 3 days, July 28th.

-"To ensure this status review is comprehensive, the agency is soliciting scientific and commercial information regarding this species through a 30-day public comment period. The deadline to comment is July 28, 2014. Please submit comments identified by FDMS Docket Number NOAA-NMFS-2014-0051, by any of the following methods:

Electronic Submission: Submit via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal at
Mail: Address written comments to:
Jon Kurland, Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources
NMFS Alaska Region
Attn: Ellen Sebastian
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802-1668

Copies of the petition and the 90-day finding are available online at the NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region's humpback whale website."
Their conservation status is "Least Concern".
Why do you think they're vulnerable?
As I understand it, as long as its listed under the ESA, there are potential criminal penalties for any death, even if accidental, therefore NOAA has to conduct a criminal investigation every time a carcass is found. De-listing it would remove them from that burden, and so long as the hunting moratorium continues, the population will continue to slowly increase even with the occasional cruise ship "accident".

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