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Mold/mildew recommendations?
Cronic COPD can be difficult. Denial as it can get very expensive to provide all the care required, location, climate control and many other sacrifices but most especially money.

I, we, my wife both know we could do more but there's a limit on how much we can afford. To what she is willing to do is another factor. In the long run it's likely to kill her as she suffers daily with but maybe a few days relief without explanation. like do we up and move to the desert? spend beyond our limits, for more climate controlling accessories, every penny in savings? It's a tough scenario just to try to live a normal life and not deal with the moral and physiological ramifications involved. all involved without more that could help her, were' chucking out $3-500 bucks in monthly expenses, insurance thanks to Oboma's program where we're not on it but, work related insurance, group prices can't deny her any longer. additional cooling, electricity, maintenance, meds, doctors and more 3-500 is near an understatement . And Whew! Affordable care act? that's a relief! Otherwise we could easily be $1,000 + a month with what we're doing now, then, living in the gutter too.

Accordingly surprising as it may seem our last home was in Missouri and the doctors we knew all said Florida was a better place. Really disappointed that we are not in our specially picked location in Hawaiian beaches where she had zero complications yet, we'd no doubt involve most areas regularly. And other factors we hadn't foreseen or realized later it wasn't going to work out, yet we pay our property taxes etc. while our delusion to live there continues to reside. .

Regardless, there's no denying mold wherever you are except we hear the desert where it's dry and not too cold is it. California where I grew up would be nice, but not in our budget. maybe a desert state but cold air can make it worse real quick too. in humid climates, it's the dry periods, or A/C's and dehumidifier where the mold is, without doubt there, that pops those spores.

Diligent maintenance and serious ultra violet light, not the toys at wall mart or hardware too. but, . 'germicidal UV systems, UVC irradiation' initially can cost although you could make with a good strong Squirrel Cage fan and proper box to hid the light. and then, you'll need at least 2 bulbs and transformers for them changing the bulbs minimally once a year @ $100 each and more retail just for the blub.

Is really about the lowest expense, besides cleaning solutions too in my view, you can go.

And I'm calling the preverbal kettle black too, as it were, because, we're cheap and know it.

BTW there's other products I've been considering, as mold is the topic but Algae and other junk is involved. Something new called PermaGuard Algae Blocker claims to kill and coat anything for 5 years and another; 'Spray & forget' claims to cover all bases.
Originally posted by Kenney

Wanted: Mold buster!
Somebody could make a fortune!

Here's the guys I've found - don't see any Mercedes inspector vehicles on their websites, but maybe they're flying under the radar... in Keeau. Has great ratings on Yelp, Google+ etc. in Kona. No reviews.

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