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Puna Man Arrested on Multiple Drug Charges
I also don't think Joe Blow should be able to have controlled substances and make designer drug

Because, did Joe Blow pass a math class so he's capable of calculating addition and subtraction to create batches of his designer drug? A chemistry class so he has practiced weighing and thoroughly mixing substances? A Health class so he knows the affects of various chemical compounds on the human body? Not to mention how those compounds might interact with each other?

I don't think these things are created by experienced guys wearing a white lab coat. I would doubt many of them could successfully follow a recipe for pancakes. Off the side of the box.

And yet, people are willing to pay them a lot of money for their products.

The moon kind of surprises me sometimes. I’ll be out at night and I’ll see a nice moon, and say, “Hey, that looks good.” Then I’ll say, “Oh sh-t, I went up there one time!” Kind of surprises me. It’s like there are two Moons, you know—the one that’s usually around, and then that one. - Michael Collins, Apollo 11 astronaut
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Mary Jane, pot, pakalolo.. etc has killed no one .

People are going to self matter what the law says.
Why not legalize what is safe.. and eliminate what isn't.
I have no problem with the death penalty when it comes to people pushing drugs like heroin.. LSD... meth... and anything else made from draino... starter fluid ...etc.

Let's get rid of the problem and move on to the next problem.

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
Originally posted by alaskyn66

Mary Jane, pot, pakalolo.. etc has killed no one .

Let's get rid of the problem and move on to the next problem.

Not entirely sure I'm willing to buy into that first statement. There have been a lot of accidents (on this island as well as elsewhere) with "impaired" drivers - not just alcohol, but also Mary Jane, etc. There may be merit to Chunkster's approach - Darwinian screening - except that there will be collateral damage of innocents on the roads and in the work place. Until we have a mechanism for effectively removing the threat posed to the rest of society by the drug impaired, I have a difficult time seeing drug legalization as getting rid of a problem...
When I said legalize all that crap, I should have added that DUI would still be illegal and strictly enforced. Still, collateral damage could happen. Legalization, if properly enacted, might also lower prices and thus also lower theft and burglaries used to support habits. The states where pot is legal have so many restrictions that it really isn't fair to say legalization has been allowed to affect market prices.

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