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HPP Special BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 5th at 6pm
Since the roads are private roads, does increased traffic bring increased liability risks when accidents/injuries/deaths occur?
I'm sorry Barbara, I didn't get what you said about HPPOA's experience with Malamalama School. Would you elaborate? Mahalo

Not to be a buzz kill, but I'm a little bit stuck on the private roads and bringing more traffic that will cause more wear on the roads with out a plan to address the additional wear and tear. I'm 100% fine with having HPP continuing to grow into it's own town complete with school(s) (check), fire protection (check) post office (no check), police substation (no check), but we do have a slight problem with our roads and their maintenance.

Just to be clear, I would like to see schools built here along with the park the County appears to be seeking a grant for, but why should my private roads subsidize the County and State's unwillingness to provide the needed infrastructure as I do pay taxes, just as folks with County roads. So I guess my proposal would be to have the increased wear on our roads be compensated for by the entities causing the additional wear.


See you in the surf
From what I understand, Malamalama school has a long term lease agreement with HPPOA that was established years ago. I think the agreement was for the school to pay HPPOA $50 per student per year road fees. I am just an attentive resident/lot owner. That may not be correct, but the information would be available from the HPPOA Treasurer who is currently on vacation.
It would be helpful to get a copy of that agreement.
What I do know is that Malamalama School is non -responsive to HPPOA requests for information.
Maybe we should just table this discussion until either you or I get further information.

HPPOA is really working hard to be accountable and transparent to lot owners and residents. The change in office staff is a positive move in that direction. In the not-to-distant past, you had to call somebody who knew somebody who remembered what had taken place at a particular point in time. You also couldn't trust the information because it wasn't written down somewhere. It was in someone's head. You couldn't get information about any number of issues. That is changing. Although you will meet many people who've lived here along time who will swear something is true... it may or may not be so.

I few years ago, when I moved to HPP, I was told by MANY people that you could buy a lot, put a structure on it without getting a permit, and that NOBODY will bother you. If that was ever true, it is not true now. Three years ago there was one zoning inspector for the entire island, two years ago there was one Hilo side and one Kona side. Now there are 4 zoning inspectors. If there is an unpermitted structure and someone files a complaint, the property owner will have to deal with all County requirements which may include tearing down the structure and rebuilding it to corrent county code.

Jeff, thank you for your continuing service and special efforts toward more open HPP communication. Please consider posting the Board's "road paving decisions current action plan" in simple format on the HPP website. If you want, I can email you a copy of an initial "Paving Facts" outline posted by the previous Paving Committee, designed for that purpose. Another helpful website communication component would be a Q and A or other reader friendly format consolidating official timeline history and explanation of "Paving Loan" obligation key matters. Much of your recent factual communications would be useable in formulating a lasting reference document. Aloha, Robin Wright

#96 is a negotiation point I would propose. County wants to help build a park ( great idea ) then the County can take over the arterial that services the park. It's been done in Leilani and Ainaloa.......sooooooooo. Just the way my brain works.

Then there is the issue of opening up a safety route between Hawaiian Homelands and HPP. No cost to us and it's one of our County Council Person's top items to accomplish. We give here and work towards the above mentioned as a collective.

Robin .........I will be proposing that we move forward with posting the kind of information you've mentioned. Please send me anything that can help us.



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