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Living in Hawaii
Hi katz,

No internet 30 years ago either yeah ?

I believe below link explains some of recent stuffs :

Kalama Boy says:
"Have you ever noticed the posts you are describing seem to always have the most views and replies."

You make good points KB, but I've also noticed that often the massive replies are the same few people devolving from exchanging ideas to exchanging insults.

Also, as an artist, I understand the value of provocation. Stimulating ideas is one thing, but some people seem only interested in stimulating discord. Entertaining; but frankly, embarrassing for those who fall prey to that tactic.
Originally posted by Rob: 3. Communication does not require winning.
You're right.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I understand your point Greg, mahalo.

Rob, thats a good breakdown, I agree with all 3 points.
Couple thoughts:
Just want to be clear as when I read this particular post - I did not post a the joke LaniA refers to. I thought the original poster was making a dry joke about Sarah Palin, using a term, which i responded to.

And as I type here, this is a good example of how things happen and responses are formed. Rob's constant signature of "assume the best and ask questions" is really true. I am impressed with Still Hope who often she uses it to ask questions!

Recently I was attacked by someone, and I tried very hard to not respond with the scathing post I wanted to post (at first). I thought hmmmm... What will I get if I continue to acknowledge their issue yet not attack, just explain. It turned out okay in my opinion but I think a big part was I really had to work at not firing off my first thought of a response.

Just a thought....

As for the mainlander thing, here's another thought - Puna grew so fast and so quickly that it was disconcerting to those who were here before - lets say 2000 - as it grew ever so slowly prior to that. The growth seems to have gone back to the slower pace. We are kinda like the teenager who grew 5 inches over the summer and now has to fit into their own skin and realize that old things dont necessarily fit anymore.

Personally I get tired of the Big Island changing so much - yes I want it to stay small and personal and rural and would give up all the big boxes for that but it isn't gonna happen. I guess you get older and like things to stay the same and they just dont. it's human nature to grow and evolve and maybe in 50 yrs the young Puna generation then will laugh at all the mistakes we made "back in the day".Who knows? Only time....
Guess for me the issue is the holier than tho folks who point fingers at others. Often the finger pointing only goes to the one member they don't like and even in the same thread other members are not called out on the same statements or behavior.
I would like to see more equality and general statements rather than calling one poster out and not the rest who are doing the same thing. General statements go a long way toward not getting individuals riled up.

The "you are newer than I am" "I've been here longer than you", and "you are more mainlander than I am" is condescending and shows your intolerance to new folks. These newcomers have lots to contribute just like you did when you came here. And maybe they even have some good or new ways of looking at things.

I like how hikatz started off this thread:
"We need new voices in the community..."

Thanks for listening and reading.
I have never enjoyed the negative threads but occasionally I do learn something of interest and on rare occasions my thinking was adjusted so that I could understand their point whether I agreed with them or not. (I hate having to adjust my thinking)
The really controversial ones make me break out the popcorn and enjoy the show.

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