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Fleas in the Park?
I have a question, how bad are the Little Fire Ants in the Hawaiian Acres area?

If you are not planting crops are they really that dangerous to dogs and cats.

What are the most used methods of pest control, I should build an ant eater farm but im afraid these little guys would make quick work of them

I'm also starting to think that molten aluminum down the ants mound might be a way to solve the problem or at the very least increase the chances of a lightning strike which would fry them all lol jk

'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
There are fire ants on some bits and not others. If I start seeing them I put down fire ant poison. They like the trash bin area. My animals have never had a problem, but they are pets not working dogs. It's not that hard to keep on top of but i only live on half an acre of my three acres.

The little fire ants (LFAs)are not a mound dwelling ant, they are tree dwellers and the taller stands of albizia can just rain fire ants down on neighboring lots. They can be kept out of the house with regular treatments but it is impossible to treat the source for a lot that is downwind from a large ablizia stand. They like cool damp areas with dense vegetative growth, so areas with the smaller scattered ohias would be less likely to be heavily infested. LFAs can become a serious issue for commercial orchards.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
You can use the search function and see lots of good information here on LFA. Your lot will already have them or you're going to get them, so I'm not sure if I would even take them into consideration if you're going to live here.
I'm in HPP, 3rd & Makuu, and there are definitely ticks. My neighbor doesn't treat his dogs at all, and I am ALWAYS finding ticks on them. Sometimes many at a time. The neighbor just pulls them off, steps on them, and shrugs.

I have 2 dogs. One has had one tick in the 5 years we've been here, but we treat the dogs with Advantage Plus. One dog has had fleas (when he was on Sentinel), but not bad at all; just an occasional one that I hold betw my fingers and drop some rubbing alcohol in there and it is immediately pau.

I have a friend who moved here from the mainland with Lyme. She says there is no Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever OR Lyme on the island. But lots of tall grass and roadside plants where Mr. Tick awaits your pooch.

Neighbor's dogs also have those grayed eyes from LFAs, and one of my dog has an eye that's starting to show it in one eye. Vet said definitely LFA sting.

Some people mix peanut butter, ant poison, and some liquids so it's sprayable, and spray up into the trees. I think it helps, but nothing gets rid of them. Luckily, I don't react with giant red areas anymore. Still, it itches like a bltch.
Yeah I have picked up a lot of information since I last posted. My dog has incredible looking eyes and I could not bare seeing them become cloudy due to LFA.

And yes I do plan to live on a half acre out of the 3 I have as treating 3 acres constantly just seems near impossible to accomplish

'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
Well welcome to the acres. You and your dog should be fine. Where about are you going to be?

The only ticks here are dog ticks and a couple of other types. They mainly go after dogs, rarely people, and don't carry Lyme disease, which is transmitted only by deer ticks.
Thanks rambler great to hear no Lyme there,saw it destroy a few people here.

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