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For You Super Ferry Supporters....
I would highly doubt that the plaintiffs would find a court that could grant an injunction within a two week time frame. Look at how long it took the HSC to render a decision in the
original appeal.

... Anyone shouldn't be allow to run the country, we should require a high level of education at a minimum...

Before I go off on a rant here about formal education... can you better explain your intention about that statement and how it relates to the topic? Thanks.


The humpbacks have more than the ferry to worry about as they head back to the artic this season

OK Cat, but it's early.
I have a problem with the requirements for president, one. The adminstration, which includes Lingle, two. And the allowences they make for select companies.
And the thread that connects it here, after reading the following I mention just because 80% are for something or the president or governor is, doesn't make it right or the best thing to do. Super anything!

Users of these things that make Hawaii less Hawaii and more mainstream/land will be the ones to blame when their kids grow up and ask
"why did you totally pimp out hawaii pop?"

Disclosure: there's no spell check here and I don't alway reread, but enough people here typo themselves no matter how elloquent their verbage. It's the message not the method.
try call if no like my typing, I no studder...8)
a hui huo


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