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New Federal law circumvents Hawaii's CCW process
I would back a law requiring gun owners to secure their weapons when left at home or unattended in a vehicle. People should be responsible with deadly weapons.
I believe that it is Federal law one must "secure" their firearms in a safe, loop lock thru the chamber via magazine port, or full trigger loop lock. Ammunition must be in a separate lockable location as well. This law is to supposedly keep the firearms from criminals. Somehow though, a lot of gun owners are stupid enough to keep a loaded and unlocked firearm within easy reach in the bedroom for their "security" (I personally keep my pistol in a fingerprint safe close by),and supposedly reported that firearms seized by the police somehow end up in criminals hands. What up with that?

Community begins with Aloha
Sorry Tink, not much that is accurate or true there. Some States or local jurisdictions have laws resembling what you stated but no Federal laws do. As for guns seized by police ending up in criminal hands, I'm sure it's happened somewhere but it certainly isn't common. That sounds more like something the ATF would do under the previous administration.

I'll keep the 9mm on the end table while I'm sitting here vegging on the couch thank you. We have a maximum security prison about 12-15 miles away, as the crow flies. I've had the helicopters circling my neighborhood several times over the years as a result of escapees. I think they focus on some radio antennas at night which sometimes draws them my way. We chased a couple Marielitos (convicted murderer Cuban army vets) from the prison for three days and for miles South and East, well into the adjoining county, through forests, swamps, pastures, and orange groves. They essentially got away as the other county wasn't as dedicated as we were. Surprisingly, they got turned around at night and came back North where we finally caught them. I was pissed when I watched the Sheriff shake the hand of the last one caught and congratulate him on a good chase. I wasn't having fun after 3 days without sleep. The 9mm (or 40 or 45, whatever) stays accessible because you just never know. Are they reopening the prison mauka?

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Mahalo Oink for the clarification, I guess I've been working in Ca too long with their restrictive gun laws. My 45 is safe close to me also, but in a fingerprint safe ready to go, as I am a light sleeper, much to my advantage. I read an article in the Star Advertiser last week about the firearms related to criminals.

Community begins with Aloha

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