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Bio Astin?
Elysian Wart,I understand what you are saying. There are lots of options for healing. I was raised on Natural Medicines and have a pretty good knowledge of how to use the old remedies. Every Society in the world has their own way of treating disease and injury. American Medicine isn’t the end all be all, but it has saved my life, so I also see the worth of a Science based treatment regimen. My Spouse was a Dr. of Chinese Medicine til his death. I am a (pretty much retired) medical professional too, but I’m using a Boric Acid compress to ward off a stye now! (Damned dusty roads!)
You might be surprised at how open minded Doc’s are. They know there are a LOT of us who would rather take care of our own health with natural remedies, but when that doesn’t work, it sure is good to have a Doc.
Also, Doc’s aren’t making as much as people think any more. HMO’s and Insurance Companies have taken over medicine. It is a business. Medicine has become homogenized. Not many opportunities for kickbacks. I wouldn’t want to be a Dr. now. Paying for school and Mal Practice keeps most humble these days. There may be a few bad apples, but most Docs are good people. Sorry. Long winded.....
Tom, Agreed!

Long time, no debate!
Hope you and yours are well#127802;

My standard notice whenever I'm giving internet forum "medical advice":
I'm not a medical professional of any kind. Anything I post is based on my own experiences, at best and hallucinations or delusions at worst. Internet forum advice is often worth what you paid for it. Always ask your doctor and follow his/her advice.

Bottom line is if you read my medical advice and take it as fact = FOOL

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
read my medical advice and take it as fact = FOOL

There is a wide range of medical advice on the internet.
For instance, the link I posted above which suggested certain foods might protect your skin was:
* Written by a doctor, a dermatologist specializing in skin conditions
* She also noted that if you add those foods to your diet, you should STILL use sunscreen

Contrast that with (for example) anti vaccination recommendations from people who:
* Generally have little or no medical training
* Recommend you don’t use the vaccine
* Have a product to sell you, not in addition to the vaccine but as a replacement for the vaccine with little or no proof of its effectiveness
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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