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Malama Market
Originally posted by csgray

If you want to stretch your food dollars here you have to shop at multiple stores. We buy certain things certain places, hitting Maku'u for produce, KTA, Malama, Safeway, Sack N Save, and Cost U Less on a rotation which gets us to each one anywhere from once a week to every three weeks depending on what we buy there. It would be more convenient to go just one place, but way way more expensive!


agreed. we do the same thing.


"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

We like to do the Costco run. We try to go once a month, but sometimes more like every 8 weeks. The dollar seems to stretch further. If we spend 300 bucks at Costco, we come home with tons of stuff. Spend 300 in the grocery store, and that will last about a week or two!
Okay, it was the Chateau St. Jean Chardonnay (excellent). Malama has it on sale starting today for $9.98 bottle ($16-$17 reg in most Hilo stores). Normally it only only goes down to $10.99 or $11.99 at Safeway or KTA sales WHEN they put it on sale. Got a case, of course. Now you can go get yours, if it's all gone ask for a rain check.
Originally posted by Jon

Its called free market...

OMG! Jon. We agree on something.
If a person doesn't like the prices at Malama Market and reckons better can be so readily done, then that person must be seeing a great opportunity and should just open up a competing store and have a go! Smile

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
There you go...there's a thought!

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