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Water quality in Kapoho Vacationland
We just clean up after them.

It's the best we can do.
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

what cha doin about the folks who come all day with coolers loaded with drinks and tons of people and kids.
Where do they relieve themselves?

I applaud Obie for stepping up to present the current facts.

No doubt the water was dirtier in years past. It has improved. That is a fact. You can speculate all you want, but I deal with facts. Why dont y'all look at any of the other ocean entries Obie has posted that DO have restrooms. I got staph at Hapuna Beach. My father in law also died of a staph like infection that he may have picked up at Kole Kole. Hakalau, and Kole Kole are not publicized much for the incidences of lepto either.

I watched the toddly older guy from the County come out and take samples a couple of months ago, and I saw the links to the sampling once a month or more.

Fact: Kapoho has such rich sea life that it comes under the researchers' microscope more than other places. I know. My son got his masters at UHH in a marine science field. The whale has brought researchers from all over the state.

Fact: the residents here put up with more visitors than most subdivisions do. People like the ones posting here have the freedom to come down at will, and make snide comments about it. Refutable comments like the whale smell. Honest opinions are fine. But some of the bull**** is ridiculous. The information officer was yelled at last weekend for telling someone not to go into the bushes and take a piss. They were lucky it was her and not me or I would of told them straight out where the cow ate the cabbage.

Question: y'all want me to pay for a bathroom for you? How about the collective county taxes paying for it? Do you all need the mayor's phone #? I already have my own bathroom to use here and the county applies a substantial tax for that privilege. Do any of you want to work on the mountains of paperwork that is already being done by the residents of the area to get improvements at the tide pools. No? I figured better to sit on your okole and just demean it, that get the heck up and out and come down and help with clean-up.

Question: Roads? The owners already pay for the roads you travel once you get into our subdivision. We have to endure the speed bumps because of visitors driving fast to the tide pools. I hate them but what can you do? You want me to pay for these just so you can spit in my face? Get over it.

Fact: Some people have no respect for the aina or facilities no matter where they are. Not one of you complainers have said thank you to the residents for all the hard work the community does to help clean up the area, and all the progress that in FACT has been made. The MLCD was created from the hard work of residents. No pay. No compensation except cleaner tide pools. Thank you residents who worked on that project.

When I see comments like some of the ones above, I wonder why I fight for there to be no gate. Gate it till a public bathroom is available, there's one answer. Then y'all can fight out the gate issue while we enjoy our cleaner tide pools. Funny though we managed to go to a off road beach on the Kona side and camp for a weekend and provide our own bucket and carried it out with us.

This started with Kapahocat and her posting of the whale smell.
Kapahocat requested that anyone coming there should not poop in bushes.
If you are going to request this, then what is your solution for the folks to do?
Don't request behaviors with no solution.
That is my point.
Locals go there for many hours and have no where to relieve themselves.

Whale smell is refutable? NOT
The whale stink was evident on the morning of 4/20 south of the tide pool area.
I was not at the tide pools and NEVER said I smelled it from the tide pools.
I was south of tide pools at a friend's property.
I stated on my post:
"this is located just to the south of Kapoho Vacationland Waiopae Tide Pools"

I sure NEVER said or implied that the property owners should pay for facilities.
I re-read all the posts and NOBODY indicated that the residents should pay for the porta-johns. Where did you pull this out of?

I think if you have a resident (kapahocat) requesting that folks not poop in the bushes, then she needs to indicate what should these folks do. Don't complain if you aren't part of the solution.

LOTS of tourists/visitors/locals park in front of my vacant property and cart in all types of stuff onto Shipman property. They do poop in my bushes and leave tons of junk. I have to clean it up and I do. They come for the day and sometimes camp overnight.
I have no solution to offer for the folks who come down for the day, so I do not ask anyone to not poop in the bushes. AND I often walk with a backpack picking up plastics and paper and junk and hauling it back out so the paths can stay beautiful.

No, I am not going to help folks living in Kapaho clean up their subdivision. I clean up my own subdivision and help organize and clean up the trails on Shipman property.
I don't use the tide pools and as you can see by my posts. I don't use the tide pools and have no plans to use them.
Are you saying anyone who says the tide pools and Champagne Pond are not healthy places with facilities has to come deal with that problem? no way.
I just don't go there and tell others not to go there until there are facilities AND until the properties are all not on cesspools in such a low area. Nope, not good enough that a few of the new houses are now not on cesspools. This is an older area with MANY of the houses leaking their human waste from their old cesspools into the low lying area full of run-off.

I do not go to the tide pools. I have been there occasionally when I visit friends and each time I leave without hanging around and without swimming in the water.
I checked out Champagne Pond this last week and once again found it unhealthy. I do not take my dogs there, and I do not swim there and I certainly do not poop there. It is not desirable for me as a place to hang out due to no facilities and people and dogs pooping near the tide lines and fecal matter around way too much.

Just wanted to set the record straight before another one of you states that anyone said anyone should pay for facilities. Get a grip and read the posts before going off half-cocked.

To the folks on the other blogs who quote me and continually talk about me, thanks for making me so important in your lives.
Just curious.... is this debate necessary or will it achieve anything?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by leilaniguy

No, what I was saying is the problem is not caused by residents of The Beachlots. They HAVE toilets. Of course nearly all the visitors are local, most tourists couldn't find the road in.

And what happens when they flush those toilets? This:
Tracer dye tests conducted at two Kapoho Beach Lot residences demonstrated that movement of wastewater from toilet to cesspool to coastal waters was very rapid (about 20 minutes) due to the permeability of lava strata. p. 24. If anything, people pooping in the bushes are less of a problem given that it's relatively dry; when carried by water from a homeowner's cesspool, it gets to the surface water in 20 minutes. That dye test was done in the 80's, but go on to the next couple of pages and you'll find tables of recent bacterial counts showing nothing has changed since then.

If you think Kapoho's sewage problems all either in the past or due to thoughtless visitors, you're in serious denial.
I am aware that Kapoho Beach Lots Homeowners Association is not in denial and are actively researching toward a sewer system. It will be expensive and it's not going to happen overnight.... but they are very aware of the situation. Nothing in Hawaii gets done cheaply or quickly or oftentimes even at all.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

[quote]Tracer dye tests conducted at two Kapoho Beach Lot residences demonstrated that movement of wastewater from toilet to cesspool to coastal waters was very rapid (about 20 minutes) due to the permeability of lava strata.

The homes where the dye tests were done were later destroyed and no longer exist.
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

And what happens when they flush those toilets? This:
Tracer dye tests conducted at two Kapoho Beach Lot residences demonstrated that movement of wastewater from toilet to cesspool to coastal waters was very rapid (about 20 minutes) due to the permeability of lava strata. p. 24. If anything, people pooping in the bushes are less of a problem given that it's relatively dry; when carried by water from a homeowner's cesspool, it gets to the surface water in 20 minutes. That dye test was done in the 80's, but go on to the next couple of pages and you'll find tables of recent bacterial counts showing nothing has changed since then.

If you think Kapoho's sewage problems all either in the past or due to thoughtless visitors, you're in serious denial.

Go to this link and then read pages 23-34.
The date on report is JANUARY 2010.
This is not old data.
Cesspools in Vacationland and Beach Lots are the fecal leak into the waters. Read the facts.
Obie would have you believe these are old facts, NOT TRUE.
Jan. 2010 report pages 32-34 on above link.
Cesspools dumping human fecal material right into the swimming water.

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