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RV vs boat
yes, but things just disintegrate here. It's like things melt in the jungle
sulfate resistant concrete is the only thing thats not going to rot eventually
You would need a 24' minimum size boat to be semi comfortable, a boat of that size would require 1/2 to 3/4 ton truck to haul. Boat heads do not function the same as a household toilet, hooking it to a septic system would take some ingenuity. Unfortunately Hawaii doesn't have many harbors and we heard none that allow liveaboards. Having first hand familiarity with living aboard (on the water), I don't think it would work out very well trying to liveaboard on the land.

A container van converted, a bus converted, or an RV would work best for landliving. But they will go to ruin fast in all that humidity and once they are ruined it would be hard trying to get rid of it. A cargo container can at least be turned into storage space at a later date.

A regular sized camper van, build a composting toilet and a cook shack, keep the camper van under a roof. Once your living space is built you would have a smaller RV type rig to play around the island on that isnt as much a gas hog as a larger RV. Also would be easier to say drive to Kona side and find a parking spot for the night without looking so obvious as camping in your rig (not acceptable practice on the island).

Here in Alaska tons of people live on boats in the harbor, it is the cheapest way to live. There are plenty who live in campers for years to, and many who buy property and have travel trailers as living for many years until home is built (if ever). Walmart parking lot during the summer always has 4 or 5 RV rigs parked at the back of the lot for a week or two and then the next round of campers move in!

Good luck in finding a temp hosuing situation that will work well! I think a huge old army tent would be a good temp, let it rot back into the land when your done or cut it up and use it between garden rows to keep the weeds down until it rots away.
OH, I cant do any of this with three kids in tow (aside from some disaster), but I was just thinking about it, and do toy with various building ideas for sheds and storage. If i ever do want somewhat inexpensive housing that goes up fast, it will probably be a yurt. The modern ones are very nice.

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