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Tiki Gardens
D9,Hunt, Mark p thanks for confiming my views on composting toilet.all more eloquintly than I am able.Lava two times thanks for permission to board. Really cant wait, I expect this to be the hardest thing I have done and I havent had the easy life so far.I look forward to it very much.Mark p I am sure You are a fine neighbor.I should be so lucky.Mimosa I read,enjoy and respect all your posts.Dont meet the neighbors for a year,well now you move next to me and avoid me for a year gotta wonder what your hiden and I dont generally jump to conclusions.Im a guy who helps his neighbor and his neighborhood.Cant do that if I dont know them.Many years in the service industry has given me faith in my ability to judge a persons character.NO im not judgemental but I can spot a lier,theif quickly.Although this isnt 100 percent.Being helpful,empathetic can and does backfire.This to is ok I wont change,when I help you and you hurt me it secures my good karma and you get whats coming.I wouldnt be so bold to assume someone without a permit couldnt have a nicer,safer,lower impact dwelling than one with the permit!Again thanks all for the feed back even the negative.Positive,negative,indifferant it all helps with the perspective.
Fishenjim. I think Mark is in EdenRoc. It's cheap up there and the lots are 1 acre. You would have more privacy and I think one acre might be sufficient to "filter" human waste. In a subdivision with people stacked on top of one another- this does not happen. Just remember traveling somewhere that does not have excellent sewer systems- like central america, or possible even france in places. The refuse does build up and it does create an environmental hazard. IF you can afford acerage, then your philosophy might have some merit. BTW- we are all just trying to protect you. You cannot "get to know" neighbors" if they are on meth. Their souls have been taken by that drug.
If you were to dig a 6" deep hole to bury your poo, covering it carefully, digging a new hole each time, and not disturbing any of these deposits for a year or so, that would be absolutely the best and most environmentally responsible way of dealing with your waste. Careful composting would be equivalent. Sending it to a modern and well maintained waste water treatment plant would be good too but not as good and would be about equivalent to a properly designed and well maintained septic tank and leach field. All of the above would be good although in practice each method has its own risks. The burying and composting require individual attention to detail which some people can't manage. The septic tank/leach field requires some maintenance depending on local conditions which if not done can result in sewage flowing across your lawn. The waste water treatment plant is really expensive and is only as good as the government that pays for it and mandates it. There have been significant failures of the latter here in Hawaii that resulted in discharges that would never have happened with more hands on methods, while to be fair the big municipal systems for all their faults deal with waste from the least capable levels of society in a way that individual methods never could.

My point is that done properly, burying your waste in the back yard is not just an acceptable compromise, it can be the cleanest and most effective method. On the other hand I have spoken to well meaning and by all accounts otherwise capable folk who thought the best thing to do was to use enough water to let the poop soften and break up, then broadcast the resulting slurry into the ferns. When the county comes down hard on alternative methods of waste disposal it is partly because they know this kind of thing happens.
Ya Tiki gardens is home to a bunch of thieves. A neighbor of mine in Orchidland abuts Tiki Gardens and he reports thieves usually come through his place from there. Well I know they are everywhere but Tiki is nice and secluded.
Try digging a 6" deep hole when under the 3" of "dirt" is a solid rock lava flow...
Jackhammer much?

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Yes Julie I know you are protecting me,mostly from my own dillusions.all the info i get here is so helpful.thanks again to all!

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