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yesterdays Hawaiian Acres Board Meeting
Crazy you mention that cause there is a place not far from where I grew up with the same phenomenon, can't remember what it's called but it's pretty famous. I thought it was the only place like that. figures there is another on B.I. went there many times and it is freaky. Gravity hill maybe its called I'm gonna look it up and see if that's right. My word there's like a thousand of them the one near my home town is listed and many others in the states but none listed for Hawaii.
Let me know, gotta get back to work,meal break about over.
F.J. I understand that you arrived Big Island a couple weeks ago ? Is that correct ?
I have been seeing your post on quite a few of the Punaweb topics and have found some of them pretty out of line for someone who has not had time to adiquetyl adjust to life on the B.I., or , could even have a realistic idea of what's going on in the disputes that have been inspired to injected yourself into.
For your own benefit, you are not that funny and should really show a bit more respect for the opinions of others. Especially when the conversation they are have has nothing to do with you. Should you behave this way in public I can pretty much guaranty some of your future experiences here will be unpleasant as most do not accept or appreciate this type of arrogance.
FishingJIm and deserteagle. I know exactly of where you speak. No weird science phenomenon. Simply an optical illusion. I too stopped at that spot many times as a kid and watched in amazement as the car appeared to roll uphill. It doesn't work the same anymore because the road was repaved and less of the slant was taken out of the seemingly level section.
You sure picked the right name 2b4u. It really is too bad for us whenever you post your whiny, cranky missives. Frankenstein mob indeed!.ยก
fishing guy, i will most certainly give you a heads up when i think the Frankenstein mob is arming themselves with their pitchforks and torches again. i am confident that the take over group is reorganizing and will be back with a whole new idea.
and desert guy you are a hundred percent right there use to be signs "enter at your own risk" , good you reminded me about them i am going to request they be re-installed . yes indeed there is a whole different species of the human race living in parts of the acres, great caution should always be used when you attend meetings in the acres, point being the guy who jumped up and grabbed a hammer swinging it wildly and yelling.
you are always welcome to visit
Hay L.L ...although your moniker references the islands,....where are you posting
from ? virgin Islands ? If that should be the case where's your skin in the game ?
If you like vanilla don't read my posts. Simple. No need whine yourself.
just to let everyone know there is HARC road meeting tomorrow night 6:00 that is usually another pull up a chair popcorn in hand event

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