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Originally posted by justthefacts
ely wart, heres the deal, community money from the association funds is being spent on a farmers market , money went to apply for the permit , money on cinder for the ground , and a cost for insurance . now as to the road money it is being spent on lawyer fees as the road corp is being sued for misdoings next court hearing on that issue is in october.
oh suggest you dont sell your banana bread it violates board of health regulations. tattling ?? come on now the word is complaint, yes file a complaint. people have the right to drive on a road , the road should not be blocked by an ill conceived farmers market .
Didnt take long for me to figure this one out, just read over the posts and there it is. Ok yes so it seems money did go to the permit. Why? Because you snitched on them and forced them to get a permit. Yes money did go to cinder because you and your buds (mimosa and 2bad4u) also forced that issue. Stop denying it. You are the reason the market stopped and you are the reason it struggles to regain a foothold. Hmm, wonder if you are a part of that group suing the road corp for misdoings. I can do math. A negative plus a negative equals deeper negatives. Wow, steer clear of you.
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justthefacts Have you ever talked to the people who feed on sat? How do you know for a fact the food wasn't cooked in cert kitchen none of the food being served was cooked at hawaiian acres c.c. Maybe you should stop in and ask.
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yes the roads are part of the subdivision we Property owners all own the roads
Why are scarce tax dollars being wasted on County enforcement of parking regulations on private property?
Remember, this same County insists they "can't" do anything in support of these "private" roads.
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ely wart , it wasn't rocket science. no snitch its a complaint who knew the building permit was 15 years expired so its much more complicated then just a swap meet. cinder well that cinder was requested by a market person not me it appears to have turned into mud. there still is the cost of insurance. get your facts straight . ask questions before you accuse and make wildly absurd statements .
there are new board of health regulations on "feeding " people the copy of the regulations is free , obtain a copy and read it to find out the facts. the association (again) does not have a certified kitchen.
on the road lawsuit it is NOT a group suing , go read the file on it "get your facts straight .
the county is deep into this mess as they allowed a 15 year expired permit on a residential building to continue .
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EWart.....OK drag me in to your nasty, negative conversation and hear from me again. You just can't seem to reel it in. You and your "people" are beginning to look to me as though there are some of you with serious mental health issues. YES there are those who do not welcome your market, your attempt to take over the board or.honestly the fact that you people even breath the same air as the rest of us. Therefore......."sniched" (such a juvenile description). We have all filed complaints. Now try to wrap your head around this one. We will continue to do so.Anyone with a brain would figure out that if we had no reason there would be no consequence. This community never had this type of problem prior to your groups attempt at occupation. As far as the community moneys donated to HACA, I am pretty sure members did not expect those funds to bennifit a special interest group. I don't. As to your comment re pending legal issues. Its public record why don't you look it up and read it rather than making accusations. It appears to me that you sound worried that there may be a settlement before your group is able to get your hands on it ? Lastly try to remember that there are many readers getting a taste of your colors. You may wind up with more objections to your takeover than expected. Why don't you guys just do what you feel you need to do and shut up about it until you have something worth posting yo say ?
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