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Illegal and unsanitary squatting..lot next door
Originally posted by lavalava


Why bump this? The OP seems to feel the issue is resolved.
"won't know for sure until we are there in person"
Originally posted by lavalava

"won't know for sure until we are there in person"

At which point the OP will probably post an update if the situation is actually a problem.
Ahhh, the old "trust the OP to keep us updated". To each his own my friend...
Yes I will update soon as we are there in way too worked up before seeing the situation in person....we all may need to really stretch our limits of acceptance or what we think is appropriate in the coming weeks.
There are going to be a lot more displaced people once the flow crosses Hwy 130. Somebody working for minimum wage in town, with family, adding an hour or more to the commute over an emergency road isn't going to work. There are a lot of service jobs in town where they will fire for being 5 minutes late. They have no choice but somehow get closer to town north of where Hwy 130 will be cut off. They might get friends or family to try some subsistence level shack on a vacant lot. There will probably be so much of this, the county will be unable to enforce code. Going to be a mess.

"Mahalo nui Pele, 'ae noho ia moku 'aina" - kakahiaka oli
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I already have my beach spot with tent and some pallets picked out. Did anyone feel the small shaker about 5 minutes ago?

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so much of this, the county will be unable to enforce code

It's already like that now, so the new "problem" is technically that it's "happening closer to Hilo (where people can see)".

Look at it the right way, and it's a very funny joke.
Nancy I know a couple who has a house yet still do their business in a makeshift toilet with a bucket of dirt. Every time they 'do their business' they cover it with dirt. They use a big tub for dirt and keep it by the HD bucket in which a frame and potty seat surrounds the setup. Obviously they have several buckets with lids on them and after 6 months of hanging out in neat walls in their yard, they use the new dirt for fertilizer. Never have I noticed an odor and their plants are just thriving! You might mention this idea to your neighbors and if they invite you over for a big garden salad next year, you may want to consider declining. Just sayin'.[:p]
Somehow the old saying "you are what you eat" has permeated my brain on this one. Uggggh!

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