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Lovebird found - Kaloli Point
If an opportunity arises, try throwing a light bath towel over the lovebird. This will keep it from flying away and you could gently grab the bird at that point. Good time might be when it's exiting the carrier or when it's in your lap....certainly not when it's on your head or nibbling your ear.....

Lovebirds only take small bites and tame birds don't usually bite hard if at all.
A Green Cheek Conure landed here a few months ago, and even he was tame enough not to bite when we grabbed him.(gently of course)
We liked him so much that we bought one from the Parrot Rescue in Kealakekua.
Kenny, I looked up the Green Cheek Conure you spoke of...pretty dang cute!

He's a total clown. We love him. He hangs from the ceiling like a bat and boy can he fly! We're thinking of getting another one so he has a pal.
That Parrot Rescue has all kinds of birds up for adoption. Had 8 Green Cheeks when we got our new guy.

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