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Looking for a steel gate
Originally posted by Punatic007

geochem, did the fire dept bring over the K9 arson dog that lives here on the East side? only one in the state as of a couple of years ago.

yes, they did. And told me over the phone it got more "hits" inside the foundations of structure (which was all that was left but piles of charcoal) than they had ever had before for a structure fire. But, then, it took the fire department two years to generate a 2 page stock report on the findings... By which time the police couldn't be bothered to return a phone call.
Two years for the findings report to turn over to the police for investigation? Was there an investigation?

edit to add:

Sorry I hope I'm not prying into a sensitive subject for you. I've had my bouts with very poor police response in Puna and am ever hopeful it's improving. And if it doesn't improve we need the feds to come in. The lack of police action at the TMT protest should be the last straw barring Federal investigations here.
Originally posted by Punatic007

Two years for the findings report to turn over to the police for investigation? Was there an investigation?

not so far as I have been able to determine...
police for investigation? Was there an investigation?
not so far as I have been able to determine...

Filing a police report and police commentary on the investigation:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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