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Coconut Palm butchers

If you are not aware of it we have had documented cases of mature fruit bearing trees being cut down by thieves simply to harvest the fruit. A recent report of continued cutting of trees by thieves is disturbing. The fact that the source is a letter to the editor does not reduce or diminish the report to me. If it does to you then ignore it and move on. The letter writer reports the coconut palm destruction in Puna, a comment is attached reporting similar occurrences in HPP. Seems to be more than mere speculation.

I really shouldn't need to defend my sense of outrage over excessive stupidity in destroying a tree to harvest it's fruit. It is the classic tale of killing the goose that laid the golden egg. I simply consider senseless destruction to be a brutal act.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
808,having lurked on this site for awhile,I`ve read enough of your posts to get the feeling that you are an unhappy,frustrated,and sour-minded dude.Life is so short,why not try to spend it in a better frame of mind. Tom
Greg; I hope you were being sarcastic when you said..."it's not theft if the owner doesn't know about it." From the definition below, it appears that the owner's knowledge of the event is not a required element.

Is that like saying that if someone has been murdered, they are not dead until the body has been discovered?

theft n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use (including potential sale). In many states, if the value of the property taken is low (for example, less than $500) the crime is "petty theft," but it is "grand theft" for larger amounts, designated misdemeanor, or felony, respectively.

Actually, I would think that in cutting down a tree in order to steal the fruit, there would be theft (of the fruit) and criminal damage (cutting down the tree)
Yes Mike, I was being sarcastic; It was a response to 808's assertion that there is no theft without someone complaining.

I agree with your points 100%.

I also get the feeling that 808, with his/her outlandish posting record has successfully trolled us. I'm somewhat embarrassed to have allowed myself to be drawn in.


I suggest that there be a "Best Of PunaWeb" Category, this can be the opening thread. Yay internet
Yesterday, I heard a vehicle not too far from the house. Couldn't see it. I then heard the sound of a hatchet. A few minutes later, I saw a vehicle drive past with a 30 foot ohia on the roof! It went around the corner and I heard it stop, door open and then more hatchet sounds. I jumped in the car and went to investigate. Saw that the person was chopping down more ohia trees and loading them onto the top of his vehicle. He then drove off with 10 feet of tree hanging off both ends of his vehicle. I reported this theft and apparently, nothing happened.

He was stealing trees from lots owned by others. Yes, they were vacant lots. It is still a theft whether the owner reports it or not.
Beat'em silly dead and then lay the tree they were cutting atop them. Will make for a great news headline Smile He he he.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
Originally posted by skydawg

808,having lurked on this site for awhile,I`ve read enough of your posts to get the feeling that you are an unhappy,frustrated,and sour-minded dude.Life is so short,why not try to spend it in a better frame of mind. Tom

Skydawg welcome to the PW. Come out of lurker status! We try to have lots of fun here and welcome one and all. Hey the water is fine, mild and when the rain returns it will flow freely again also!

mella l

Paris London New York PUNA
mella l
Art and Science
Thanks Mella,just dug out from 18" of snow.You Punawebbers allow me to escape the cold winter,if only vicariously. Tom

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