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Target to open July 24th
Have you tried Del's ... they carry canadae its what we feed our woofs - and hard to find (human food grade kibble for dogs)
Yes..Target sells Dog and Cat Food. It's not the enormous selection like Petco has....but they carry the popular name brands you find in grocery stores. And that will help the prices to go down with added competition.

Walmart only sells dog and cat foods that people aren't buying alot of nationally. So then Walmart gets the overstocked foods cheap from the distributor and can turn around and can still sell them cheaper than the grocery stores. The problem is (beside the fact that the stuff is the ingredients) ...Dogs and especially cats don't seem to like that stuff (unless their starving)
most of the grocery store feeds are very poor quality and no bargain at all.... "partially digested intestinal contents" and sick cattle the issue - high levels of drugs used to treat sick cattle also found in the assays of the "branded" feeds - I would look at the cost savings and read the labels long and hard before feeding it to animals i cared about.
I hope the petco, if it does come, doesnt carry animals. just their food. can't stand to see kittens and puppies in cages when there are too many running around as it is. let alone birds, lizards and all that. Hawai'i probably wont allow them entry though would they? also, try making your own dog food. boil a cheap chicken, some rice, veggies, make a big batch, freeze and scoop out as needed and add to your store bought dog food. they love it and it is healthier than just they stuff they sell on the shelf.

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