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McDonalds in Pahoa?
I'm curious why the big push to involve government as a solution?

If a majority of people don't support the business it will not make money and be closed down. If a majority support the business then why would the government be involved (there's no safety issue except fattening food, and from what I've seen fattening food is pretty common around here [with the asterisk that it's good tasting which McD's is not lol]).

I'm all for a community coming together and boycotting/not using a business it feels doesn't fit with the community but to dictate by government decree what one does with personal property while engaged in legal business is not the principles the country was built on [ignoring the lack of those principles that made HI part of the country], IMO.
Did I miss something? Where is anyone pushing to "involve government as a solution"?

Asking the government agency that would issue the permits what is going on is simply becoming informed. I did not see any suggestion here to apply government solutions, but instead the suggestion was to vote with your dollars. Citizens do have the right to demand that development be done in a safe and sane manner, we already have several of the most dangerous intersections in the state, we don't need another one.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Csgray - I wasn't responding to your post specifically except in the manner of changing local codes. I misinterpreted the post of ecowhine as more government master planning (in connection with a related thread about pay day loans opening in pahao)

I also tend to forget that traffic is relative and have not adjusted to what is "traffic" here vs los Angeles where I spent most of my life.

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