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Hilo Town Traffic Blues
Hilo has charm and we find that most drivers are friendly and courteous.
I think the traffic here is an absolute delight.
Driving in Puna is more akin to Mad Max than Manhattan Beach.

We have the best of drivers...
we have the worst of drivers

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Joe, I have one close friend and several acquaintances who are local cops. They tell me that the total numbers of police personnel on the Big Island are not too far off the national averages and would be adequate in a well-run force. It is the allocation and use of those personnel where we come up short. A top-heavy and bureaucratic police administration takes a toll on available patrol and enforcement resources. In addition to that, administrative and union imposed work rules further impede effective policing. These guys also tell me that the widely perceived belief that certain individuals and families get a "pass" on certain types of enforcement and/or prosecution is not unfounded. And finally, they all say that good cops who make solid arrests are often dismayed by the easy-going approach of the County Prosecutor's office and judges.
Originally posted by kalakoa

Like all other "rules and laws/for everyone", the traffic codes will be enforced seemingly at whim.

At least the cops get raises and a nice pension. Oh, and your taxes just went up.
Why do you begrudge the people who do your dirty work making a decent living?
Drive defensively.
Micronesian and drivers from Asia don't follow the rules. I don't think they remember them after cramming for and passing the drivers test. I've had them pull into cross traffic right in front of me because they thought they had the right of way.
Mainland drivers don't know how to drive with aloha yet. Won't wave you into traffic.
Local drivers will wave you into the center lane and that could be deadly.
When in doubt, don't pull out.
2 things that are annoying. People driving too slow in the left lane oblivious to traffic behind them. and Tailgaters.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Micronesian and drivers from Asia don't follow the rules.

Welcome to the Hotel Honolulu

Up ahead in the distance
I saw a typical sight
A hundred year old Japanese man
Signaling left and turning right...

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Why do you begrudge the people who do your dirty work making a decent living?

I suppose it would be more "correct" to blame their unions for negotiating raises that we're forced to pay for with higher taxes, and then more blame for the private sector who doesn't increase pay to keep up with the spiraling cost of living.

There's also the part where they don't seem to do the actual work, especially when they "can't" investigate property crimes or deal with squatters, because it really does take 3 cruisers to respond to a traffic stop.
You have a lot of valid points Mark. Very rarely do drivers move up into the intersection while waiting to make a left. Also turns without blinkers are maybe at a 50% rate with the number of cars on the road. And yes, the right lane is the fast lane on highways like the Panaewa stretch between Keaau and Hilo.
As far as our traffic woes, we are very fortunate compared to bigger cities. Not much to stress about.
I'm not a transplant. Yet it's fine to post about where we lack.
Just because we lead a laid back life style doesn't mean we have to be ignorant and/or inept as drivers.
Aloha is fine when on the road but so many folks probably shouldn't even be on the road because of lack of driving skill or knowledge. Don't you love it when someone comes to a complete stop on the highway to let someone in taking a left? That kind of aloha causes traffic accidents and loss. Absolute stupidity to do that. Why does it seem that many elders are the culprits? Is it just me that notices when someone is clogging up the left lane at 45mph in a 55 zone and you finally pass them, it's a little old Asian lady not daring to make eye contact and can barely see over the dash board. There ought to be mandatory re-testing road and aptitude tests for senior citizens more often to weed out the dangerous drivers.
Of course its not just the elderly. Plenty young dumb-asses too.
Headlights optional.....

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