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BUMP this!
I believe that MOST if not ALL Punawebbers are able to "search" Punaweb or the web in general. [Wink]

BUMPING a "whole series" of posts on a related topic monopolizes the "FRONT PAGE" and takes the "FUN" out of being attentive here - I need all the FUN I can get. IMHO [8D]

LAUGH - somebody - before I get FLAMED! [:p][Big Grin]
I agree. I'm down bumping a few of these for awhile.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Damon, If you want one person to read a thread then direct them to that thread. It's not social to micro manage the forum.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks Rob,

My bad
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I agree. I'm down bumping a few of these for awhile.

Punaweb moderator

I've sent you a PM and hope you will reconsider for just this issue.


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