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We are buillding in HPP on the highway. Someone broke in and took about $ 4000 dollars worth of tools from the contractor. That was 2 days ago. They came back last night or early today and took a few more tools. We report both incident to the police. A neighbor across the street saw a white pick up park in front of our gate at 1:30 A.M a couple weeks ago before the incident. My neigbor turned on the spot light on the white truck and it sped off in a hurry.

canh Le
I am so sorry this happened to you, Canhle.
Have the police been given the info from the original post? Seems this would at least be a person (or vehicle) of interest...

White Chevy Full size pickup, 4 wheel drive, Newer,
not more than 2 years. Masons wheel barrow in the back.
HI License # HHZ-213

New constructions (and vacant homes) are high targets of the thieves. Actually, I believe those thieves work for other contractors and steal things on an order. My water pump systems were stolen from two of my new homes and according to police the thieves knew exactly what they were doing. I also had construction material stolen from several job sites.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

This is so depressing... This is not how we were meant to live.


I am very sorry to hear about the break in at your property.Was your builder insured? Amazing that they would come back for MORE, but I have heard that happens. Sounds like the white truck may be the same one others have seen in HPP. Motion detection lights might be a deterrent since you do have neighbors.So many lots are surrounded by empty houses or no houses at all and that is a get home free card for thugs.

Someone tell me again why they were unable to get the license plate of the white truck when it was first spotted in HPP? Or did they get it and the police did nothing? Usually thugs like that are not smart enough to get rid of everything immediately and it must be even harder on an island, so if someone is suspicious and does not have a good reason for being in the area, it sure makes sense for the police to do a search of their property. With all of the rain we have had recently there would also be footprints and tire tracks as evidence.

I agree there are probably two kinds of creeps operating down there, construction criminals and standard thieves like the ones that came into the vacation rental there while the people were sleeping. Or the ones that were stealing keys and cars at the warm ponds.

Any stats as to if the Community Watch has helped usher the thugs to another neighborhood where they don't watch so closely? It is hard to imagine with the remoteness of so many homes in HPP and surrounding communities that it is possible to patrol all areas, but I do agree that when criminals know that an area is being watched they probably do go elsewhere.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
I'm willing to bet that the white Truck that was seen in the weee hours of the morning in front of Canhle place is same white truck that has been hitting up places in HPP. I cannot call the police because he stopped in front of my house, but did nothing. He only had a few moments to "spock" my place out. Like I said, he didn't notice me at first. I was squatting petting one of my dogs in the back of my property. My main line of home defense,my 85 pound female Pit Bull was "sawing logs". She, nor the Perp were aware of one another's presence. Had my girl seen the guy in the truck, normally mad barking follows. But not this day! So when the perp did leave he parked further up the road. That is when I called my neighbor/friend to investigate the situation. My friend is not scary looking by any means. On the contrary, he is a person with these gentle, kind eyes that radiates warmth. He is a person blessed with eyes gentle enough that children & animals all feel comfortable when around him! So there is no way the driver in the truck could have felt threatened by my friend when he approached the truck! He left because he's feeling guilty about his "hits" in the neighborhood perhaps. Or he is afraid that the approaching stranger could be a pissed off victim who could recognize him. Anyway, you wanna look at it his actions. To me his quick exit reflect guilt!!

I truly believe this "Butt worm", in the White Truck is ripping us all off!. Let us not forget that this guy was seen the same day in Leilani Estates as reported to John Rabi by his friend. Plus this "Butt worm" was seen lurking around Kaloli Point during a crime spree in the area!


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Please visit the Neighborhood Watch thread for current meeting info on HPPNW.


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