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Managing growth
Investors = Dollar signs in eyes. I just think it would be nice if the businesses are ones of passion and not profit at the expense of something special. I give people enough credit that I think in the right cicumstances they would choose local over McD's. Maybe have one roadside mall as is starting outside Pahoa for chains. Look at Eugene, OR. As you come into town, you could be anywhere. But get past the barrage of same old same old stores and there is a charming and beautiful downtown. kind of like Pahoa which is charming and beautiful in its own way.
Another place where Mc Corp and ilk have (because of community insight and initiative) not taken over is Montpelier, Vermont. The local economy there works, and will in other places as long as it is not competing against global corporations with monopoly powers because that power is not about nor healthy for free enterprise.
It helps to be the state capitol.

If we move the Hawaii capitol to HPP the village center concept and cdp will work.

The cdp concept looks like the plan our grandparents and great grandparents used.It worked great for them until the auto was invented.

As soon as highway 130 becomes a four lane highway,the plan goes out the window.People are not going to shop in a village center when their job requires them to drive to Hilo and prices for groceries are cheaper in Hilo.

You can't keep out the big corporations if you want jobs.
The Special Use Permit is for a store to be over 30,000 sq. ft. According to the CDP that means it should be in Pahoa, Keaau or HPP. Who owns/controls/decides issues with the 20 acre parcels? Would there be objection to a KTA there? It raises issues of power and water, but those can be dealt with.

Art and Orchids B&B
Art and Orchids B&B
It is going to be interesting to watch this play out...My guess is that people will be excited to have the KTA as long as it isn't in their development.
Originally posted by Obie

You can't keep out the big corporations if you want jobs.

Ha! Wage slave!
I would love to have KTA in my development.
I had the opportunity yesterday to look at an original booklet of the East Hawaii development plan done in the early 1960's. WOW! (almost 45+ years old)

There are some really funny things proposed like a lava barrier about where Shipman industrial is....

It also had pics of the Puna district before the lava flows that have happened since then. (that was pretty neat).

It had stats that seem so incredibly funny now.

This report didnt plan for the subdivision explosion that happened in the late 60's. It didn't even have a clue what it would be like today.

it didnt plan for gas being 75-100% more in cost than in 1960 dollars. Everything in this report planned for cars.

Maybe 45 years from now, our kids will be laughing at the planning we do.

ETA: I am not advocating of no planning. Just it was so funny to read this booklet from the early 60's. Just think in the 60's - cell phones were not even a twinkle in their eye.
Yes. It is probably best not to plan to develop Puna! The best laid plans of mice and men sometimes burst into flames, and jet into the sky!
What about the traffic? I would hope that they would consider putting in 4 lanes to help ease the traffic flow.Maybe they should think about putting another road in some where. I worry more about lava flowing over the road and being stuck with no way out then having big box store.

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